Too Good To Miss Surely?


I don`t count sheep to get to sleep, I count fish
Jul 1, 2010
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I was just browsing on fleabay and saw a listing for a 240L full marine setup. I honestly thought my eyes were deceiving me on the price!!
Me and hubby have considered keeping marine but think it will be something we`ll do in a year or two, I`m going to concentrate on my Tang setup. When we were looking though all setups seemed to be really expensive which is why this one on Fleabay seems too good to miss for someone.

I`m not interested in bidding or buying but hope this helps someone out though B-)

(hope no-one objects to me having posted this here)
I wouldn't buy it to be honest.

If it came with things like skimmer, uv etc i might consider. This is basically a trop setup they have thrown marines in and am surprised anything is alive, maybe thats just a matter of time due to the algae state. Funny how they try to excuse that by saying their fish love it.........
Wasn't sure if it would be any good for someone here as I know people are always looking for marine setups, just goes to show that I have a lot to learn about what's involved in keeping a proper marine tank :blush:

I'll be asking lots of questions about it all in a year or two's time though :)
I agree with ozzie, after looking at it, I doubt they're that clued up on marine fish keeping. Theyre prob selling it cheap because they prob keep losing fish and are fed up with replacing them all the time. I'd put money on them not maintaining it at all.

The tank looks half tropical half marine. [Would love to know what their water stats are].

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