Tony Moves In


Mar 13, 2008
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Hi all,
Well, yesterday I finally found a betta I liked the look of enough to get for my bedside bachelor pad.

Tank - 35L (~9 gallon) nano tank
Plants - Anubias barteri var. nana, Java moss, Dwarf hair grass, Java fern, Water lettuce, Foxtail
Lighting - 2 x 11w CFLs
CO2 - Tetra plant Optimat system
Substrate - Tetra plant covered in fine gravel
Population - 1 zebra nerite snail, 3 otos, 1 betta splendens

Tony is a scarlet crowntail with metallic blue flecks (see for yourself!). He's named after Tony Jaa, Thai martial artist / actor of Ong Bak fame.

It's been a while coming, but i'm VERY pleased with the result - Let me know what you think

Chez Tony - AKA number 10

What's going on next to my bed


Tony - with flash so you can see the blue flecks

Without flash - arty shots among water lettuce roots

Rear end - he's very active so quite a mission to photograph...

So there's a few - my first betta, and first attempts to photograph one! I'll get some better shots soon, plenty of time to watch him now exams are over

Cheers for looking.

PS: If anyone wants any water lettuce for their betta tanks (they love it), send me a PM
What a gorgeous guy :wub: ....definately worth waiting for and your tank set up is brill :good: :good:
Wow that looks awesome. Question because I'm a noobie. What is that can up top in the far shot for?
Lovely tank - looks fantastic in there.

Question about your Oto - I thought they needed a well oxygenated tank - do you have an airstone or do the plants provide good oxygen for the little guy through photosynthesys (was paying attention at school all those years ago!).

I thought about adding one or two to my 35l with my Betta, but unsure as he won't cope with an airstone.
Lovely tank - looks fantastic in there.

Question about your Oto - I thought they needed a well oxygenated tank - do you have an airstone or do the plants provide good oxygen for the little guy through photosynthesys (was paying attention at school all those years ago!).

I thought about adding one or two to my 35l with my Betta, but unsure as he won't cope with an airstone.

It's a common misconception that airstones provide more oxygenation than pumps. As long as the surface of the water is being agitated (by water flow - created by airstones or pump) the water should be close to saturated with oxygen.

Going back to school, the amount of time a single bubble spends in the water before reaching the top is insufficient for effective gaseous diffusion, however water at the surface has plenty of time for exchange to occur.

I would really recommend otos, they have done a fantastic job of cleaning up the tank - every surface that had algae is now clear - and they are quite interesting to watch too. I've been told to keep them in a group of 5 or more to see the most activity, but the LFS only had 3 when I went - I will be getting another two soon.

The betta seems to largely ignore the otos, so I wouldn't worry about compatibility either.

Thanks for the compliment too, and best of luck with your tank :good:
Love your tank!!!

Ottos are grate got 4 myself in my 120l. From what i can see they clean the new plants i put in without destroying them :)
Thats a great tank and ur betta looks very happy.

I recommend ottos with betta fish too. My guy chased them for about a day, but then he gave up cuz they were too fast. Now every once in a while he follows them around (like follow the leader). I have 2 ottos that are doing great with just my standard filter.
ReMz, have you heard that otos are happiest and behave best when in groups of 5 or more?
Million, i was just wondering how much you paid for your small co2 pressurized bottle. i was looking into getting a small 10gal tank and doing something similar! :)
Million, i was just wondering how much you paid for your small co2 pressurized bottle. i was looking into getting a small 10gal tank and doing something similar! :)

It was about £5.50 from my LFS :)
ReMz, have you heard that otos are happiest and behave best when in groups of 5 or more?
yes i have. and i believe that to be true

i do not currently have the tank for more of them. regardless, these are happy, active otos that move around and seem more content with taunting my betta than being lonely. i've had them for 4 months and they are growing and "wiggly" .. :nod:

tell me i'm incorrect, but i've already sold otos back to the fish store due to an inadequate environment. (ie. bettas attacked)

btw. the growth of the otos has surpassed my 5gal tank size and im giving them away locally.

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