Tom's Fishless Cycle Log

Aqua Tom

Fish Gatherer
Oct 19, 2010
Reaction score
Planet Earth
I am now starting my Fishless Cycle. Hopefully my ammonia will arrive at boots pon Monday so in the meantime I thought I would test what I have to give me a benchmark to work from.

I cleaned my tank out as the Wife wanted a new theme & gravel so it is & 100% water change with the filter out of the tank so any bacteria wher quite safe. The tank is completely bare apart from gravel. No light on.

Also i have turned the heater up to 80ish degrees f.

First I tested my Tapwater.


PH 7.5

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitrite 0ppm

Nitrate 10ppm

Then I tested my Tankwater.


Temp 82f

PH 8.5 thought this was a bit odd so tested again & got 8.5

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitrite 0.1ppm

Nitrate 10-20ppm so lets say 15ppm

Whats going on with that PH? Seems somthing is happening in the tank already, quite exciting this.

will do another test tomorow & post both results again,

Any comments are very welcome.

Right I have just realised it is going to be a lot easier if I just edit this first post from day to day rather than add another to the end each time.
I am keeping a very comprehensive spreadsheet with results & observations on it but I will just keep it simple here.

Tempreture of tank is a constant 84f

DAY 1 25/10/10

1300hrs added Ammonia
1315hrs full test

Ammonia 4.9ppm
Nitrate 15ppm
Nitrite 0.5ppm
PH 9

DAY 2 26/10/10 Added some mature gravel to filter & tank

Ammonia 2.4ppm
Nitrate 50ppm
Nitrite 0.8ppm
PH 8.5

DAY 3 27/10/10 Added Ammonia

Ammonia 4.9ppm
Nitrate 50ppm
Nitrite 0.8ppm
PH 8.5

DAY 4 28/10/10 Stopped testing for Nitrate & Nitrite.

Ammonia 4.9ppm
PH 8.5

DAY 5 29/10/10 Added Bogwood to tank

Ammonia 4.9
PH 8.5

DAY 6 30/10/10

Ammonia 2.4ppm
PH 8.2

DAY 7 31/10/10

Ammonia 2.4
PH 8.2

DAY 8 01/11/10

Ammonia 4.9ppm Maybe read colour wrong yetserday & day before?
PH 8.2
Latest results.

24/10/10 1330hrs

No ammonia added to tank yet

Temp 83f

PH 8.0

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0.3ppm

Nitrate 10ppm

So the PH is dropping even though I havnt actualy done anything. ???

Nitrite has gone up.

Nitrate has gone down.
Ok my Ammonia arrived today. Boots 9.5% Household ammonia.

Using the calculator on here I determined that I needed to add 2.11ml to my tank.

Venturie bubbling nicely tempreature at 84f.

After adding the ammonia I waited for it to mix for half hour or so.

Here are my first results.

Ammonia 4.9ppm

Nitrate 15ppm

PH 9 -------- yes thats right NINE !

Nitrite 0.5ppm

I have read that a high pH is beneficial to a new cycle but is 9 a bit high?


I have just tested my tapwater again & it is still ph 7.5.

Seeing as it is my first day of the cycle I am thinking of draining the tank, & starting again to try to get the PH under control.
What test kit are you using?
Ammonia is a bit alkaline so that could account for the slight rise from 8.5 to 9.0. I still think you have carbon dioxide in your tap water. When it leaves the tap water, your pH will rise since carbon dioxide dissolved in water makes carbonic acid (which in turn makes your pH show lower than it actually is). To test this for sure, draw a cup of water from your tap and let it sit in a cup for 24 hours. After the 24 hours test the water in the cup. If it has risen, then you have carbon dioxide in your tap water.
Ammonia is a bit alkaline so that could account for the slight rise from 8.5 to 9.0. I still think you have carbon dioxide in your tap water. When it leaves the tap water, your pH will rise since carbon dioxide dissolved in water makes carbonic acid (which in turn makes your pH show lower than it actually is). To test this for sure, draw a cup of water from your tap and let it sit in a cup for 24 hours. After the 24 hours test the water in the cup. If it has risen, then you have carbon dioxide in your tap water.

ok, cant sleep so doing this now.
Tuesday 25/10/10 0900hrs

Ammonia - 2.4ppm

Nitrate - 50ppm

Nitite - 0.8ppm

PH - 8.5

Temp - 84f

conclusions Ammonia is dropping fast Nitrate is rising faster. Nitrite has also risen. PH is wobbling between 8.5 & 9
Your pH 8.5 is very nearly in the sweet spot
I think things are happening a little too quickly, take some time to re read the instruction leaflet that came with the tests and make sure you follow it to the letter with regard to adding drops, shaking and timing, also be super accurate with the amount of tank water you put into the test tube, I got a disposable syringe from Boots
I think things are happening a little too quickly, take some time to re read the instruction leaflet that came with the tests and make sure you follow it to the letter with regard to adding drops, shaking and timing, also be super accurate with the amount of tank water you put into the test tube, I got a disposable syringe from Boots

I am being very methodical. The test tubes in the kit have a line on the side which is 5ml, I know this is acurate because I have a medical syringe to measure 5ml as well. The instructions are very clear. 4 drops for ph. 6 drops for ammonia etc. The tubes are always washed with fresh tapwater before each test. The kit comes with a digital timer. I shake everything that need to be shaken.

I dont see how I can be any more accurate.

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