Tom's Ada 40cm


New Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Got some ADA stuff in the post the other day, so decided to set up the hardscape for my next layout.
I'll get some decent set-up photo's at some point, but these will do for now...

Basic Hardscape with ADA Aquasoil Africana

Added ADA Sarawak Sand

Anyone tried these before? I saw them and wondered if they would be any better than the slate peices I was using so I got some to try. ADA Moss Balls

Finished hardscape with moss balls in place.

I'm torn as to what plants to use this time. I definitely want to use some weeping moss on the moss balls, and I'd like it to be different from my last tank ( ). Maybe E. tenellus, a bit of Riccia, Cyperus helferi and some Stems (undecided). I'm open to suggestions though

I'm fairly pleased with the tank so far, just need to sort out a decent background and a new stand! Roll on Christmas for planting!! In the mean time, any comments and criticisms welcome!

awsome, cant wait to see the final product :good:

Do you know what you are going to stock it with?
I'm not sure yet, I still have some Emerald Eye Rasbora from the last scape though

Messy, just out of curiousity, how much have you spent, or rather, how much would all those items come to if bought brand new?
It is a really nice piece of work, and very inspiring. I hope one day do create something like that. I can't wait to see it completed and stocked.
Everything? ookkaaayy.....

Tank AquaOne Mirage 40 £24
Elite Mini Filter £5
Interpet 24w Lighting about £35 total
ADA Aquasoil £11.99
ADA Sand £12.99
Rocks £10
Wood £4.50
Tweesers £10
ADA Moss Balls £5.99
ADA Brighty Spec Lights £21.99
ADA Brighty K £13.99
ADA Brighty Step 1 £13.99
JBL Profi2 CO2 (solenoid one) £199.99 (got mine £160)
Airline £1
Diffuser £10
Bubble Counter £7
Timer £5
DIY ADA Stand £20

Your looking at about £410 all inc and brand new. Thats without plants. I'd hate to think what a full ADA setup would cost, and this is just a 40cm tank. Your looking at £30-40 on plants on top depending on where you get them from.

Wow never added that up before, thats scary! It does build up over time though, no need for everything at once really.

Thanks for sharing, Tom. It looks great.

Are you using regular airline? You should consider using CO2 proof tubing, as regular stuff leaks.

I'll bring some to Sparsholt when I visit next if you like.

PS you can save £££ on getting dry ferts for starters...
Thanks for sharing, Tom. It looks great.

Are you using regular airline? You should consider using CO2 proof tubing, as regular stuff leaks.

I'll bring some to Sparsholt when I visit next if you like.

PS you can save £££ on getting dry ferts for starters...
Mr Farmer, for a numpty such as myself, could you please elaborate on the 'dry ferts'. Also, the airline? new one for me....

Cheers :good:
Nice Hardscape!

Weeping moss is my favourite moss species, I think it would look great between those rocks.

A stem which IMO really suits small tanks and Amano uses frequently is Hemianthus micranthemoides, you could also try Micranthemum umbrosum.

I always wait until the plants are in and have matured before I choose the background, sometimes the plants affect what the background should look like.

George - it is the regular airline, but only as far down as the bubble counter. The rest is JBL black CO2 tubing, but I think it looks ugly so I changed it over. When are you coming to Sparsholt?
I didn't actually buy the ADA ferts, I have a good friend with too much money! No way could I afford to pay that price every time ;)

Mike - I've never had much luck with those two sp but I haven't tried them in soft water and ADA yet. Might be worth a go. I was looking at Rotala "green" too, and maybe Rotala wallichii for a red accent.

HM and MU should grow just fine in soft water, especially the MU.

Are your Emerald Eye Rasbora (Rasbora dorsiocellata) fully grown Tom? I have some in my 60cm Iwagumi and was wondering how big they get.

Great little fish, aren`t they?

Mine are about an inch total length, but I don't know their full eventual size. Not much bigger I wouldn't think. I think they are really overlooked by most people, but they can look great.

Lovely hardscape :) should form the base of an excellent scape.


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