To The Shrimp Owners...


New Member
Jan 13, 2007
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Well I tried to keep a single ghost shrimp in with a betta, flame gourami, adf, and 2 say the least it didnt work.........

10 gallon tank medium planted, bog wood, and a couple decors and small rocks. Everything seemd great for the 1st week, shrimp was healthy and prego, swimming around, and sitting on leaves.

Then I woke up to find a head..a torsoe sort of........and some legs :crazy:

I was watching it before I went to bed and all seem'd good....

Now the lfs has bumble bee shrimp, and tiger shrimp, I *think* the names were.....I liked them better because they wernt all freaky and see dumb would it be to add some to my tank?

and question 2-how dumb is it to add shrimp to an already stocked tank, I'm at 10" almost exactly (10 gallon planted/24 watts flourescent, 8-12 hours a day)
Well I tried to keep a single ghost shrimp in with a betta, flame gourami, adf, and 2 say the least it didnt work.........

10 gallon tank medium planted, bog wood, and a couple decors and small rocks. Everything seemd great for the 1st week, shrimp was healthy and prego, swimming around, and sitting on leaves.

Then I woke up to find a head..a torsoe sort of........and some legs :crazy:

I was watching it before I went to bed and all seem'd good....

Now the lfs has bumble bee shrimp, and tiger shrimp, I *think* the names were.....I liked them better because they wernt all freaky and see dumb would it be to add some to my tank?

and question 2-how dumb is it to add shrimp to an already stocked tank, I'm at 10" almost exactly (10 gallon planted/24 watts flourescent, 8-12 hours a day)
Very dumb. :good:
Well I tried to keep a single ghost shrimp in with a betta, flame gourami, adf, and 2 say the least it didnt work.........

10 gallon tank medium planted, bog wood, and a couple decors and small rocks. Everything seemd great for the 1st week, shrimp was healthy and prego, swimming around, and sitting on leaves.

Then I woke up to find a head..a torsoe sort of........and some legs :crazy:

I was watching it before I went to bed and all seem'd good....

Now the lfs has bumble bee shrimp, and tiger shrimp, I *think* the names were.....I liked them better because they wernt all freaky and see dumb would it be to add some to my tank?

and question 2-how dumb is it to add shrimp to an already stocked tank, I'm at 10" almost exactly (10 gallon planted/24 watts flourescent, 8-12 hours a day)
Very dumb. :good:

Are you sure it didn't molt and the torso is not the shrimp. It could be still in the tank. I have mine in a 10 gallon with Killifish and a gourami no probs. I found an exoskeleton the other day thinking the shrimp dies and then he was swimming around the next day.
ya im sure its were still pickin at it........and there was a leg here and there....they dont molt legs.....

I think I might try 1, maybe he'll have some better luck.......I returned the rosey barb who i think the culprit was.....and replaced with 3 glowlights......much more peaceful

what would you guys get, the bumble bee, or the tiger...?
To be honest shrimp really shouldnt be kept with fish at all and if they are they must be very peaceful like corys.Bumblebees will surly be eaten by the other fish(bettas and barbs in particular).I have kept bumblebees with pygmy corys, dwarf rasbora, ottos and endlers but wouldnt risk them with anything else.
Here's a brief list of things I've found which will never bother shimp of any size

Boraras Sp (too small to do much of anything)
Dario Dario (ditto)
Endlers (again, too small to do anything)
Otocinclus (the only pure herbivores I know of)
Cories (least aggressive fish I know of, though they could eat shrimplets I suppose)
African Dwarf Frogs (too poor at hunting to do anything)
Neon Tetras (will eat shrimplets, but leave even the smallest adults alone)
Freshwater Clams (heh!)
Snails of all sorts (far too slow to hunt)
Cajun Dwarf Crayfish

The following fish are fine to keep with Amanos or Ghosts or any larger shrimp species, but I would *not* put with Cherries or anything smaller

Glowlight Tetras (have seen them chase RCS)
Zebra Danios (they don't seem to bother RCS, but if they're in the tank little shrimp will hide all the time).
Tiger barbs (will not bother larger shrimp)
Kuhli Loach
I think the long tail rosey was to blame.....he was the most aggresive in the tank.......I think I may try out an amano, or tiger.....see if it becomes another tasty snack
Here's a brief list of things I've found which will never bother shimp of any size

Boraras Sp (too small to do much of anything)
Dario Dario (ditto)
Endlers (again, too small to do anything)
Otocinclus (the only pure herbivores I know of)
Cories (least aggressive fish I know of, though they could eat shrimplets I suppose)
African Dwarf Frogs (too poor at hunting to do anything)
Neon Tetras (will eat shrimplets, but leave even the smallest adults alone)
Freshwater Clams (heh!)
Snails of all sorts (far too slow to hunt)
Cajun Dwarf Crayfish

The following fish are fine to keep with Amanos or Ghosts or any larger shrimp species, but I would *not* put with Cherries or anything smaller

Glowlight Tetras (have seen them chase RCS)
Zebra Danios (they don't seem to bother RCS, but if they're in the tank little shrimp will hide all the time).
Tiger barbs (will not bother larger shrimp)
Kuhli Loach

That's extremely helpful! Thank you very much! :)
I think I may try out an amano, or tiger.....see if it becomes another tasty snack
I would say stick with Amano. Much fiestier and will "fight off" fish (stand on their back legs with arms in the air). And they're fast as lightning. My Amano's have also stolen pellets of food literally from a fish's mouth (endlers, twig catfish and palties) - so they're not afraid to stand their ground. Tigers will just be chomped. Mine were anyway.
I've actually kept cherry reds (even the shrimplets) with guppies and kuhlis just fine. I've also seen some fish that only bother them once but give up once they realize they can't catch the shrimp.

I've seen my mystery snails hunt shrimp. The shrimp just walks backwards really slowly. It's quite possibly the most boring cat and mouse chase there is.
Bump bump!

I was wondering if anyone in here knows much about bumblebee gobies? They're kinda cute, and pretty tiny, but -- can they be trusted not to eat amanos? And if so, would keeping a goby rule out any chance of buying some crystal reds...?

Just doing some research... :alien:
BBGs are too small to eat amanos I would think.

If you do get BBG, make sure to check what species it is so you'll know if you need brackish water.
Bump bump!

I was wondering if anyone in here knows much about bumblebee gobies? They're kinda cute, and pretty tiny, but -- can they be trusted not to eat amanos? And if so, would keeping a goby rule out any chance of buying some crystal reds...?

Just doing some research... :alien:

Bumblebee gobies are strictly brackish fish and do well in large groups of their own so if you kept them this is the sort of set up they'd need.
Amano shrimp mostly live in freshwater rivers and streams and things, and usually only go downstream towards the sea to brackisha and marine areas to lay their eggs- i'm not sure whether they'd thrive or not been kept permanently in a brackish set up.
I think larger adult shrimp should be fine with the gobies, but don't count me on that as i've never kept these fish with shrimp before;
I've seen at least three different species of fish that are sold as "Bumblebee Goby". Some are brackish, some are freshwater. Amanos do fine in low-end brackish I believe.

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