To Save Room


Jun 28, 2007
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I haven't had much experience with coryies :blush: . Now I have a ten gallon with 4 x-ray tetras and I would like to add some panda coryies. I know they like to be kept in groups of 5-6 but, I would like to save room 4 other fish. So, would it be ok to have only three? :unsure: Would this tank be suitable?

(The betta and platy are no longer in that tank)
What other fish?

LPS pandas are notoriously sensitive. With lots of cover and no threats/aggression from other fish they may do okay. But beware, you may get the awful Cory desease which addicts you to getting more of the little creatures.

It looks very nice. Be sure to vacum the substrate and keep it clean of uneaten food that may sink into the gravel and rot.
I know they like to be kept in groups of 5-6 but, I would like to save room 4 other fish.

It's really not about us, it's about the fish. If a certain fish that you want for your tank has certain requirements, it's really in their best interest, and your own, to meet that requirement. If you can't, then you should really look into another type of fish.

Cories are, indeed, addictive. And you will have a very entertaining tank with them in it. Hopefully, you'll change your mind and keep them in the proper numbers. :good:
As far as that goes, Tetras like to have schools of larger #s too. But we all start someplace. I started with two Cories and now have 10 tanks with Cory tribes. 9 are Cory only.

I do have some that are only a pair and one is a single. It wasn't planned; it just happened. Today I watched as both couple only Cories spawned, and I collected some eggs. I hope they hatch and survive so they can have a large tribe of their own. :)

While I myself do subscrbe to the "it's about the fish" approach, it is a personal choice and philosophy. And beyond that, the hobby is really about the hobbyist and not the fish. I don't keep fish because it makes them happy. I keep fish because it makes me happy, and I try to keep the fish tolerably happy.
What other fish?

LPS pandas are notoriously sensitive. With lots of cover and no threats/aggression from other fish they may do okay. But beware, you may get the awful Cory desease which addicts you to getting more of the little creatures.

It looks very nice. Be sure to vacum the substrate and keep it clean of uneaten food that may sink into the gravel and rot.

Sorry in the pic the substance was dirty :blush: :blush: . It was a new tank, the lady at my LFS told me to not clean it as often because since it was a new tank not much food has gone to the bottom 4 my pleco. I was about to clean it on that day. Don't worry it's now spot-less.

I guess you are all right. I think I will now get 4 cories. I feel guilty. -_- :blush:
haha Actually I didn't notice the dirt in the pic. I was just giving the standard advice for rough gravel. Corys can't plow the gravel like they do sand and must move the gravel with their barbells which are very sensitive. So they are prone to get infections from dirty substrate, esp. gravel.

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