To Plant, or not to Plant?

Well, if all of your plants are offsprings of the original batch, there's no worry on the snails (assuming the first batch didn't come with any)... :lol:
When I first started out, my lfs told me I shouldn't keep live plants with goldfish because they would eat the plants.

I put the goldfish in a separate bowl, used my tank as a freshwater for tropicals and got a couple of live plants for my tropicals.
As my plants are growing, I sometimes give my goldfishes pieces of live plants (courtesy of the tropicals...), but they would never be able to eat them as fast as the plants are growing.

So, go ahead, buy live plants. Apart from the advantages mentioned above, they look so much better!
Not all aquarium plants are created equal - some taste more delicious than others (not speaking from personal experience of course! :lol: ). Java moss and java fern are some of the examples of bad-tasting plants, hence they have good chances of surviving in tanks where plant eating fishes live.

Your milage may vary though... ;)
i say plastic is easier to look after and come in some great blue.but the really ones provide many things 4 ure fish.but need some time.i myself have pastic.cleaner and easier
Here are a few other considerations:

- Do you have enough light? If no, there will be additional expense....
- Some types of fish disturb the substrate so much that live plants are not easy to keep

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