To Many Filter Changes?


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
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I have an old Marineland Eclipse Aquarium, 37 Gallons.

It, originally came with its own Hood top, that included its own filtration system built into the Top.

But the Hood itself broke some time ago, and after a recent move to a new apartment, it was rendered in worse condition and thus, was no longer usable. I researched replacing it through Marineland and found that the Hood for my tank would cost well over $120!

So I replaced it with this cheaper Aqueon Hood for $35 and then bought a TopFin Power Filter 40 to go with it, also for $35.

$70 investment as opposed to $120+ from Marineland, and I had a working aquarium once again.

However, I seem to have a couple problems with the TopFin now.

1. It produces too much 'current' within the Tank and my Fish tend to avoid that area of the Tank, even when I turn its flow rate down a bit.

2. At least once every week, it starts over flowing at its intake chamber and spilling back into the tank before even going through the filter, and thus needs a filter change! This continues even after some water changes. Just a week ago I drained a little more then 50% of the water out and vacuumed the gravel a good bit, then refilled with fresh, clean water and then after letting that settle for a bit, drained some out again, and then refilled; then changed the Filter cartridge.

Two days later, the new Filter cartridge is used up and the filter itself is overflowing back into the tank again!

Now, I used to have a generic 29 Gallon Tank with a TopFin 30 which used the exact same filter cartridges as the 40 model, but they would last well over a month, sometimes 2 months before they would need to be changed.

So I've been wondering whether its not efficient enough for my tank, and whether I should move up to something a little better such as this Marineland Penguin 200.

Only reason I bought the Topfin was due to my past experiences with the 30 model and the fact that I still had a box of well over a dozen filter cartridges for it, that worked on the 40 model... In fact it seems with these Topfin Power Filters, one size filter cartridge fits all models...

For the record and in case anyone asks...

I have a decently stocked tank (probably right at its limit) with a healthy population of various and random Tropicals including:

1 Pleco
2 Angel's
2 Powder Blue Gourami
2 Opaline Gourami
2 Firetail Guppies
2 Black Banded Leporinus
6 Long Fin Danio's
4 Giant Danio's
10 Bloodfin Tetras

We went with some Live Plants, which really helped make it look good; until the Pleco dug up and ate all the Anacharis plants! lol
Is it sucking up a lot of food when you feed? Try unplugging it when you feed and turn it on when the fish are done eating. See if that makes a difference.
Though I appreciate the suggestion, I can say it is not the food, as I feed on the other side of the tank away from the filter intake, and watch the fish and their feeding frenzy, which usually only lasts a few minutes before they've gobbled it all up!
Do not replace your filter just because you are getting that spill back along the inlet path. When you do a water change, use the old water to rinse out the filter pad and put it right back into your filter. I will use the same filter pad for a year or more with no troubles at all. In fact, since much of the beneficial bacteria that keep your tank cycled are in that filter pad, you are doing real harm by changing it.
In my opinion, those filter insert cartridges are a waste. I don't use them. I replace them in favor of filter sponge that can be gently squeezed to clear them of debris and to preserve my cycle. In trade, you lose a little flow, but that may be in your favor. You can purchase the sponge from Petsmart (the same place you get the Topfin stuff) branded under the name Aquaclear and cut them to size to fit inside your filter. Don't force them too tightly, just snug enough to prevent them from being pushed out by the flow of water and snug enough to ensure that the water is flowing through the sponge and not around it. The sponge never needs to be replaced saving you loads of money in the long term. When it gets clogged, simply save a good sized bowl of water when you do a water change and gently squeeze the sponge out in it to loosen the debris (the water will most likely turn black). Hope this helps!

But I do this with a new filter. If you are still cycled, keep rinsing the current insert like OM47 said.

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