to color up your tank

Depends ofcourse on what type of community you already have. I love my gold honey gouramis, you can also find other beautiful colored gouramis like the red flame.
Many types of tetras, golden cloud minnows, gouramies, betta (though be careful with tank mates) and much more.
Severums, Uarus, Surinam geos, badis, smaller sleeper gobies (Mogurndas or peacocks), Apistogramma, dwarf acaras, flag cichlids, pearl gouramis, ctenopoma species :p I could go on :lol: I am biased to fish with some level of intelligence, as you can see :whistle:
I'd reccommend Praecox Rainbow fish (Neon Rainbowfish). A lovely metallic pale blue colour, might have trouble finding them though.
for a 55 gallon + tank - Surinam Geophagus ( the one in Dwarfs sig)
anything under that-Apistos
depends what you've already got so's they dont all get eaten but I'd go for the old favourite

Cardinal Tetras!! As big a group as you can get though to make them look awesome.

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