To all those with Nitrate problems


Fish Herder
May 7, 2004
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I got my tank about 5 months ago, and I've never been able to get my nitrAte reading below about 70ppm. I have plenty of live plants, and do regular water changes, but it's always the same. Ammonia and Nitrite are always 0.
Anyway, I spoke to my LFS who told me that the tap water in my area contains around 50-80ppm of nitrate, so that was most likely my problem. They did have a solution: An in line filter designed to remove nitrates from your tap water as you do water changes. It cost £38 but I thought it was worth trying.
I used it for the first time today, and hey presto my nitrates are now at 25ppm!!!! Much better!!!
Anyway, just thought that for those of you with a similar problem this might help. I've seen a similar product called "nitragon" on the internet here, but it's £56. I got mine from Maidenhead Aquatics in Aylesbury. :thumbs:
I could use one though I might only be suffering a temporary case of high nitrates. Plus I live in the US so the UK site won't help me much. It's a good thing to bring up though. :D
I live in london and my tap water nitrate readings are awful.......50ppm at the lowest. I know maidenhead aquatics well......but I don't completely trust the staff in the ones I go to. Please let me know if this continues to work for you, as it sounds good.....but , for that price I need assurance :D thanks for the info.
I'll keep my readings of the next few water changes on here for you so you can see how it goes. Surprised to hear that you don't trust the staff at maidenhead aquatics. Must just be your branch. The guys in Aylesbury are all very helpful and knowledgeable!!
That's good news, rvm.

Out of curiosity, how often are you supposed to change the inline filter cartridge (I assume it has some sort of cartridge, or you replace the whole unit)?
It is supposed to treat 500 litres of water at 25ppm nitrates, and less if your concetration is higher. I'll let you know when mine runs out.
When it does run out, there is no cartridge to replace, you have to recharge it by running salt water through it against the direction of flow, and then it should do another 500 litres of water!!!
You're supposed to be able to recharge it 2000 times, so by my calculations, that means you'll be able to treat 1,000,000 litres of water at 25ppm!!!! I think that'll last me a while!! :D
The incline filters are usually just a tube with baffles and is filled with a product called "nitrasafe".

Nitrasafe is a compound that in freshwater absorbs nitrates from the water. Then when its full to capacity the compound is submersed in high salt water and it expells its stored nitrates..... thus recharged as it were.

You can do a google search for nitrasafe and you will find it usually priced around £7-10.

It can be put in your tank, say in a filter but I'd prefer using it to treat water from the tap.... why? well when it reaches saturation, if its in your tank the fish are going to suffer a nitrate spike.... so I'd rather clense fresh water put that in the tank and let the nitrates build slowly over time till the next change which knocks them down again.
High enough levels can be fatal to fish and they also help induce algae growth. Plants use it as food as well so that's a benefit to it.
Just done another water change with the filter. Nitrates are up to 30ppm, but that is most probably due to the fact that I added 2 new fish this week, and even then, it is still lower than my usual reading!!!
Still seems to be working then!! :D :thumbs:

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