To Add One More... Or Not To...


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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So, I got 0 replies on this in tropical chit chat.

why not try here?

This fish only reaches approx. 8cm in the home aquaria.
Thus said, I seem to already be overstocked, but am practicing over-filtration.

I have an aquaclear 70 and an aquaclear 50 on my 38 gallon tank.
most of my fish are kept singly or in groups.
peacock eels - 3. (2 striped, one normal, so one should stay smaller)
1 half banded eels (seems to get along a.o.k with peacocks)
Porthole cats - 5. (all stripes tail)
1x senegal (only bothers the next fish)
1x African butterfly

then my plecos, whom I only regularly see the queen arab, and once in a while the flounder plec
L168 (flounder)
L260 (queen arab)
L??? (Clown plec)

and finally, the centerpiece fish in the middle,
1x Vieltail angel fish.

Therefore, I'd like to have a centerpiece bottom fish, as I have one for the top, and I have one for the middle.

I think with water changes kept up with every 4-7 days, it would be safe to say that a Syno. Flavitaeneatus, whom is supposed to stay out more often than hide and prefer shaded open spots (which my plants that spread the surface provide) should be an all right addition at only 3 inches, and would even be acceptable at 4 or 5.

This being said, I also looked at syno. Brichardi and syno. soloni for their more adaptable to ph qualities, but they get generally 5-7 inches each.


oh, and hopefully spring/summer, I plan to hook a fluval 405 up, replacing one or both filters.

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