Tnc Complete Plant Fertiliser

I just dose TNC Lite and Flourish Excel as per manufacture instructions, Flourish Excel = 5ml per 200L Daily + TNC Lite 1ml per 10L weekly after WC. I don't like the risk of overdosing LOL
Once I've sorted my CO2 out though I will be swapping the Flourish Excel for the CO2 injection.
So if I dosed TNC Complete would it be good to dose Floruish Excel with it to act as the liquid carbon, or what should be dosed with TNC to act as the carbon? Thanks.
Yes you could dose excel or some other "like" product.

Thanks stu! A lot cheaper then :) I think I'll go for salts when i'm out of TPN+

Edited 'cause I changed my mind, OK!?
Is there a better other "like" product to dose with TNC Complete?
Dont know about better bit alot of people use easycarbo

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