Tmc Skimmers


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
Looking for a skimmer soon to add to my system, and have been recommended a TMC skimmer by a LFS.

I've always heard negative reviews of these skimmers and said that to him. He replied "that's because people don't set them up correctly" - which I imagine would have an impact on the performance.

I've also read the supposed shortcomings are due to the supplied pump, and that changing this makes them alot better.

What are your opinions? Anybody running one/had one - reviews and opinions please :)
Just a quick one, if he says its because of how they are set up, can you ask him to set it up properly before you take it? My lfs is really good and have heard them saying to people they will set it up for them ready to just plug and go when they get it home! They are very helpful! Or at least get him to show you?
My lfs is very good and they recommend these skimmers too!
With the TMC simmers they are good for the price that you pay for them. You can pick up a 400 for about £40 (2nd hand) and you cant really go wrong at that price as long as its pumping out the brown stuff.

Ill be pluging mine in within the next couple of wees so follow my journal for its progress :good:
they are not good skimmers to be honset. Your LFS will reccomend them as they shop with TMC. They are nowhere near as effective as some of the others available. Although for the price, they arent too bad. Just poor quality pumps. For this reason, if you do get one. Double up. So if you have a 200L tank, get the v2 400. or a 400L tank get the one rated to 800L
My sister Trod has a deltec mce 600 just sitting on a floor at the moment! PM her if you are interested :good: She also has some big monster of a skimmer, brand escapes me, might be a tmc without a pump..........that is also just sitting on the floor :dunno:
i'm trying to work within a budget so the tmc skimmer was what i went for and i have it set up and running in my tank at the moment (LR only with no livestock yet) and although i have nothing to compare it against it seems to be working well and am getting regular supply of the yukky brown stuff........ hope this helps
I use hydor slim skims and love them! Stealthy skimmers.
Just plugged in my tmc v2 400 skimmer with rio 2100 pump and got to say I'm pretty pleased with it, plenty of bubbles and already pushing out organics. I've even had to add longer tubing to it and it seems really good
Bit of an update!

Wad at the lfs this afternoon collecting my tang and wrasse and asked some more about these. He showed me his sump set up on his systems which are 450l each and have about 6 display tanks. The skimmers were kicking out lots if dark skimmate!

I said I'd double up on capacity if I did get one, then he said he'd do the next model up for the same price. Looks like I'll pick up the 1000l model this week!

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