'tis finally cycled...


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2004
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Hmmm so I have a planted 10 gallon tank, and it's finally cycled. I used only 1 betta so there might not be that much bacteria yet but I have a little bit of the types of bacteria I need. So now I consider my options

Female Betta tank (4 of them)- May be a problem because i have to add them all at once and I'm not sure if my bacteria is enough for that...

White cloud Minnow tank w/ male betta- 10 gallons may not be enough room to hold 6 schooling fish + a betta

Dwarf Puffers- I'm almost sure they'd get sucked into that filter

Any suggestions? I don't want livebearers because I don't like the look. I want something more low maintenance and undemanding, a hardy fish that will provide some entertainment and cope with some ( I think most fish should...)

I'm sure there are many more options but these are just what I can think of off the top of my head.
I think my tank is nearly cycled. I'm sure the nitrite was lower today..... Or maybe my eyes are different....
Are you keeping the male betta?

If not, you have plenty of options - gouramies for a start - sparkling, croaking, dwarf, honey, striped/banded/indian (colisa fasciata), thick-lipped (colisa labiosa). Then there's small cichlids - rams, shell-dwellers, certain small apistos etc. Killifish, various tetras, small loaches like botia histrionica/dario or possibly khulies, smaller, less-active species of cory, smaller non-nippy barbs like a pair of cherry barbs, rasboras - particularly the very small ones like rasbora maculata - otos and small plecs like bulldogs etc. I don't know about puffers but if the filter can suck up puffers, it can probably do a lot of damage to a male betta's fins as well (I have seen some terrible injuries). You'd only be able to keep one or two dwarf puffers though anyway (IMO a waste of space realy. If you want puffers, use a bigger tank so you can have more). Bettas are an option and I don't think you need to worry much about the bacteria - they shouldn't take long to catch up with the extra bio-load (just do extra water changes if necessary). Many of the fish I mentioned could also be mixed to make a small community but not all of them are suitable so be careful and research each first.
If you're not keeping the betta in that tank, you can add two dwarf puffers. As long as you have good filtration because they're messy eaters. But they need frozen/live bloodworms, and snails to wear their teeth down.

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