Tire track eel


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2004
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I seen some of these guys at my LFS and was wondering if anyone had any of these guys and if so what do they eat. I know that they are FW and i am setting up a 55g FW tank
These are great fish (they are fish, not true eels). Friendly and can be trained to eat from your hand (so I've heard. I never tried with mine). They are primarily carnivorous, so meaty foods are best for them. Mine loves bloodworms, and not too much else that I see him got for with such gusto. They should have good hiding places, and sand is the prefered substrate, as they often bury themselves so all you can see is their nose. They are also primarily nocturnal, and generally should be fed when it's dark. I usually feed all my fish at about 5 minuites before lights out, so some get their food when its bright and the rest after dark.

OK i've never kept one myself but my cousin has one. His was lovely and ate bloodworm until a few weeks ago he put in some small sucking loaches. They disapeared. He didn't think much of it (having a polypterus) but when he found another small one that had survived, the eel leapt and attempted to eat it. So according to what he said i guess they get more carnivorous as they grow (This ones quite big). If i'm compltetluy wrong fair enough, but if anyone could clear this up i'd be grateful! :D
My Tire Track eel is about 9-10 inches in length....... He is will eat just about any fish to the size of a half grown Tiger Barb........ unless I keep him well fed (bloodworms).........

He is definitely my favourite fish..... very entertaining and active..... although I have heard some are shy and keep hidden most of the time.
Fire eels can be very secretive. Mine is 33" and will only accept live nightcrawlers. He can eat up to 15 large ones at one sitting. He will eat right out of my hand. Fire eels can reach up to 40".
hey im My Head Hurts cousin damn thats a mouthful eh?
My tracks a wee terror, as already mentioned she eats blood worm, algae eating loach, but enjoys krill, prawn and lace fish as well. She now hand feeds.
Its very important to give them a hidey hole be it tubing or rock......they also like to dig so make sure your gravel isnt sharp coz u'll scratch that soft skin.
if u want one make sure yuou dont get tiny fish that sleep on the bottom at night as it will pick em off then
Triggeraa said:
Fire eels can be very secretive. Mine is 33" and will only accept live nightcrawlers. He can eat up to 15 large ones at one sitting. He will eat right out of my hand. Fire eels can reach up to 40".
how big was he when yopu bought yours. Mines about 14 inches and gettig fatter. I hiope he gets to a big size as hes my favourite fish and he lives quite peacefully with a slightly smaller tyre track.

how old is yours and what do you feed him on

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