Tips for making your aquarium look nice and pop out?

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And do you guys have any suggestions for other good plants I can get? I only have Anubias and Java fern right now, and I’m gonna be getting some Nite-out ll and Seachem Florish
Check this list out.
Remember to research the plants to match your water, as you would fish. Few people actually bother to do this and then wonder why their plants die. :rolleyes:
I actually found a nice plant called Amazon swords, will the Seachem Flourish help it?
I actually found a nice plant called Amazon swords, will the Seachem Flourish help it?
Amazon swords are fast growing, and because of this notorious for needing lots of nutrients. So if you even think about trying this, make sure that the substrate is adequate and if you aren't sure, add some root tabs next to it to be safe.
Amazon swords are fast growing, and because of this notorious for needing lots of nutrients. So if you even think about trying this, make sure that the substrate is adequate and if you aren't sure, add some root tabs next to it to be safe.
What about a plant like cryptocoryne ?
What about a plant like cryptocoryne ?
Cryptocorynes are actually considered to be relatively easy to grow...unless you stick them in inappropriate water.
NOTE that many aquarium plants are grown only semi-submerged and placing them into a tank, fully submerged, will give them a bit of a shock and they'll lose some leaves. However, if the water and light is right, then new growth will occur, as the plant adapts to its true fully aquatic nature.
NOTE also that whilst cryptocorynes are relatively hardy, they aren't fast growers.
Here is what my aquarium looks like after re aranging stuff, still gonna go get a little bit of stuff for it just kinda like the cherry on top to for the aquarium.


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Just got some more things for the aquarium


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Can attest to the black background and black substrate with black fish bit, I have a neon black red tail platy and I have the hardest time finding her in my tank unless she’s right by the glass because its not all black background and substrate, it has small bits of color just like her and she camouflages herself so well!
(Edited to fix grammar)

Dark substrate.
Dark background, but if you have black fish, don't use a black background, go for blue or green instead.

Have taller plants along the back and put some medium or tall plants on the sides. Leave middle open for the fish to swim around.
Here is final product, I also gave the 2 sword plants a root tab, I will give them one every 3 months as it shows. I also gave the tank some Seachem Florish


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Another photo, btw I don’t know why the light is coming off as a blue/purple color it’s white but it’s showing different colors in the photo
Edit: I fixed the problem


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Hi, Bettaguy. That's a nice change! It was actually pretty nice to begin with. I'm a little late to the party here, but may I make a few comments?
--That little cave on the right would look a lot more natural if it were partially buried in the gravel.
--Probably too late for this tank, but in the future I advise getting rid of the clown puke gravel. Dark substrates can look very natural if done correctly, as can natural colored sand.
--Have you considered rehoming one of your bettas? Then you could get rid of the divider, plus have another tank to play with! 5g tanks are inexpensive.
--I concur that amazon swords get way too big for a 10g. Crypts are a good choice; I've found wendtii easy to grow, adaptable, and a very nice size for a 5-10g. If they do melt, don't give up on them. They often come back if given time.
--Sometimes, if I'm in need of inspiration, I use the "Rule of Thirds" when designing a tank. It isn't really a rule, just an idea. Basically you divide your tank into thirds vertically and horizontally, then try to put a focal point (something interesting) at the intersections of those imaginary lines. It's a good way to create a coherent but still natural-looking scape. It also makes for a nice mix of sheltered and open areas, which more fish seem to appreciate.

Just some things to think about. Good work so far!

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