*tips* For Buying Discus

1. clear eyes
2. strong body shape
3. intensive colors

what else..?

good sense of humour and ...................oops. sorry, we are talking about fish here aren't we? I got confused :blush:

how about active, no sign of damage to fins, nothing which looks like fungus?
1. clear eyes
2. strong body shape
3. intensive colors

what else..?

good sense of humour and ...................oops. sorry, we are talking about fish here aren't we? I got confused :blush:

how about active, no sign of damage to fins, nothing which looks like fungus?

Ask to see them eating if there anything like mine they'll take ya hands off. :hyper:
1. clear eyes
2. strong body shape
3. intensive colors

what else..?

good sense of humour and ...................oops. sorry, we are talking about fish here aren't we? I got confused :blush:

how about active, no sign of damage to fins, nothing which looks like fungus?

that's right..

4. clear fins

1. clear eyes
2. strong body shape
3. intensive colors

what else..?

good sense of humour and ...................oops. sorry, we are talking about fish here aren't we? I got confused :blush:

how about active, no sign of damage to fins, nothing which looks like fungus?

Ask to see them eating if there anything like mine they'll take ya hands off. :hyper:

good point man..

5. see them when eating!
Put your hand to the top of the tank as if you want to feed them, if they don't rush up to your hand walk away...
Buy them from a specialist discus dealer, not the LFS as generally the LFS get all the crappy ones the dealers dont want.
Buy them from a specialist discus dealer, not the LFS as generally the LFS get all the crappy ones the dealers dont want.
Didn't know that!Good info!I will be buying six discus in a couple of months so this is a great topic kamel :good:
Buy them from a specialist discus dealer, not the LFS as generally the LFS get all the crappy ones the dealers dont want.

Yes.. you're right.

I'll take this notice into my consideration!
Eyes not too large, as this is a sure sign of stunting
Eating well
Good shape (round), with colour appropriate to size - very bright colours in a young fish is a sign they have been hormone-treated. The colours will fade when the hormones are no longer fed to them, and they may be infertile.
Active and healthy - every fish in the tank, not just the discus you're looking at.
Check the ph etc of the water they're being kept in, should roughly match yours.... if the lfs doesn't know/won't tell you then don't shop there!
Main things to look for:

1. No clamped fins. Clamped fins is a sign of illness.
2. Discus not hiding in a corner. Constantly hiding in a corner is a sign that it's ill and stressed.
3. Discus not shy during feeding and will go after food.

Other things, which could be aesthetic reason, but could still be purchased:
1. Eye size not proportionate to the size of the body = stunted growth.
2. Peperring. Fish that do not have stress bars, have peppering. This occurs when fish is stressed.
3. Stress bars not straight. Some people like discus with stress bars. Some stress bars may appear broken
4. Body is round, no dents or bumps.

The 2nd category would tend to be more if you are very particular with discus, but as long as it does not show any signs of the 1st category, your discus can have 1 or more in the 2nd category. All items in the 2nd category will be passed down to the offspring, except for the first item if stunted growth. Stunted growth means that the fish was not fed a good diet and kept in clean water.

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