Tips and tricks for fish keepers

1. Use super glue/silicon to create a wider base for the test tubes inthe API Master water quality test kits. Anything can be used to make them harder to tip over.
2. Buy refillable media cartridges for filters, instead of disposable cartridges. Speaking of refillable cartridges, if you are handy with Dremel tools you can cut out some of separation walls to allow more space for small bioball/Bio rings. Buy zeolite/activated charcoal in bulk if you use them.
instead of a towel or chucks, drape a large but thin blanket on the stand/floor surrounding the tank like a dropcloth. This will prevent you from having to worry about multiple towels, and has the benefit of being one piece of fabric so you won't have "gaps" that water droplets invariably fall into anyway. When you are done, if your blanket is wet, toss it in the dryer (or washer+dryer depending on how dirty it is), and then fold it away and put into your aquarium stuff closet for next time :)

If you can, use elevation to your advantage. If your tank is big enough to warrant it, run a gravity siphon out a window or down into your basement drain. This will make water changes much faster, and will also give you more suction in your gravel vacuum. You will need to invest in potentially a hundred feet of tubing :D
Do your research before running down to the LFS and spending big. My first tank was a 19L nano tank which i didn't cycle at all and overstocked it. Ended up in disaster and many dead fish.

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