I just noticed some tiny white spots almost like minute bubbles on one o my platies. is it sick? if yes, is there any well-known product for treatmen that yoy can recommend?
To answer the last question, first you need to determine what the disease is.
Do the white spots have 'height'?
Do they sort of look like very small grains of salt stuck to the fish?
Or, do they perhaps look like little fuzzy patches?
If it is white spot then it is likely that your other fish are also infected so it would be a wise idea to isolate the sick fish and treat it but also treat your community tank as well.
White spot lives in the water and swims around trying to find a host to live on. The treatment that you use for the fish also treats the water and kills off any nasties in the water.
Is the fish Flicking/Rubbing as if irritated and are any of your other fish doing this?
my female sword tail had wite spot and i treated it with a product from the fish store very easy to treet. I didnt isolate the female i just treated the hole tank and she is now fine no spots and very happy and none of the other fish have it eather.
Ich sounds like the problem here.
I would suggest QTing the fish and raising the temp in the QT with all the infected fish(s) as it speeds up the life cycle, i think theres a pinned topic here or in the emergency section of the boards that explains all about Ich.
There are afew ways to treat it, salt will kill the parasite as well as over the counter fish meds.
Just be careful with your doses as some scaleless fish as loaches idealy are given half doses of the recommended due to their skin type.
Plecs and corys shoudl NOT be given the salt treatment becuase they are very sensitive to it. again i think there are some pinned topics in here or the emergency section that clear both these topics up.
I hope this helps and you rid your tank of the problem!
The spots will all off, they are cysts of the parasites , one cysts is a ton of parasites. That is their life cycle, once the cyst has fallen off it sits in the gravel and then the parasites immerge to find a fish to infect and create more cysts