tiny snail problem


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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New York
well i posted on this before but got no responce..but my rpoblem si this..ive got a 36 gallon tank that i recently have been cleaning and getting ready to use....while i filled it up with water to syphone it out thousands of tiny snail shells floated tot he top...and i mean like alot...it was insane...im trying my best to remove alot of them but most of them r vrey very small..so i kno i can completly remove them....but is there anyway they can somehow grow back...and also wut kind of fish would eat them if there are any.`?..and these r the tiny smaller snails..the biggest ive seen is maybe alittle smaller then a time..and only smaller from there....please help
I had the same problem in my 5 gallon tank. Well one way to get rid of the snails is to strip down the whole tank, or get fish that eat them. I know the loaches love snails, atleast the clown loach does but this fish gets to 12 inches and unless ur ready to give it a home in the future dont get it. Bettas also like to eat snails.
I have pest snails too. They hitched a ride on my plants. When there gets to be too many of them I simply add a weighted slice of cucumber to the tank. It sits on the bottom overnight and in the morning I remove it. It is always covered in snails. Repeat over a few nights (and with more slices for a larger tank) and it will help you contol the snail population. You will never be rid of them though. Chemical agents may commit snail genocide but you risk upsetting the water compostion and poisoning your fish. Besides some snails eat algae, which is good. Plus my otos like the cucumber as well!
Slyspy menioned snail removal chemicals, I was going to say that since you are getting the tank ready for fish, I'm assuming there is none in there yet and now is the best time to treat it with such chemicals. Wipe them out before the fish come.
I was also wondering about other fish that eat snails, I do not want aything that gets too big and do not really want to start with bettas at this time. Are there other types of loaches that are good at this that do not get over four to five inches and can be kept in smaller groups?
Species of Botia loaches will clean snails up really fast.
Kuhlii loaches are good as they can reach the parts others can't and will love tiny snails and snail eggs.


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