Tiny Snail Dudes

Super Dude

Fish Crazy
Feb 15, 2009
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They actually look more like slugs. :sick: They are really small. Hold your thumb and index as close as possible without touching, and that's about how big they are. They are brown, and I've so far spotted 2. I didn't purchase them, so idk where they came from. Anyway, will they cause any problems? Shall I let them live?

PS-I currently have a couple plants and zebra danios in the 10G.
they are ramshorn snails that came with the plant. They help eat algae but can make your tank look ugly. I would let them live, unless they get too big and reproduce, then you would just want to break your tank with scissors like your icon :).

ugh my bad they are actually common pond snails - Lymnaea peregra.
Well, any algae eating critter is a friend of mine! :p

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