Tiny moving dots in shrimp tank

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Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 26, 2020
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Spica via Regulus
What are they? I used to see them around the substrate but now there seems to be an exodus onto the tank wall.
They move sporadically, RCS ignore them.
I had a similar experience, I later found out that they were copepods. Do you have pictures? :)
I checked the internet.
Seed shrimp.
What say you?
Are you sure? How do they look? Do they have two "legs" at the end? Do they dart around? They might be cyclops as well, water changes and vacuming your substrate for 2 weeks should do the trick.
I agree with Salty&Onion.
Cyclops is one of the most common genera of freshwater copepods.
Copepods often just appear in your tank and begin to thrive. As Salty&Onion said, to get rid of them vacuum your substrate as they often lay eggs there and generally like to bury themselves in the sand/gravel or just sit there.
However they could also be seed shrimp, copepods and seed shrimp are similar in size (1mm).

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