Thanks guys going to have another play around with it this week see what I can come up with
I agree that the centerpiece needs to be less central but at this stage it looks fine. I like it cracking job on the cleaning! What you going to do in terms of your fish? Your shoal numbers could use a bit of a bump...What you reckon ? I want to get into the Co2 side of things and have alot more plants but it will have to wait untill I get a bigger tank for my plec as he just destroys everything
No, Minnnt said to add £100 worth of plants, not that he had £100 worth of plants.get some weeping moss or a different type of moss... and put it on the coconut... should spread all over it would look good =] but so far it looks amazing that amount of Vallis is £100?... i just chucked a load in my pond afew week's back it was spreading like mad in my tank and i wanted rid of it