Time to prune?


Fish Connoisseur
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 14, 2015
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Should I prune the Rotala down or let it grow a bit more? Im with growing a bit more.


I have also planted Rotala along the back but that will take a bit to grow in around the wood.

The plan is to have Rotala shrubs along the front bottom like the one you see center of tank. Thats if I can get the runners to grow the way I want, Some bits grow tall like you see in the photo then they start laying down and sending out roots, and shortly there after new stems start growing from the bit that laid down ( the runner ).


Good luck vacuuming the substrate in that mess of plants and wood, LOL
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Let it grow more. Plants should be about 12 inches before you prune them so you get longer cuttings that are more likely to survive.

Good luck vacuuming the substrate in that mess of plants and wood, LOL
That sounds like a challenge. Now where's my 2 litre coke bottle gravel cleaner and 2 inch syphon hose :)
Now where's my 2 litre coke bottle gravel cleaner
Actually thats not as silly as it sounds with a 10 or 14 mm hose.

But I wont bother because I would only be throwing out nutrients and my ammonia nitrites and nitrates are all zero.
Im learning to use my Iphone camera. and I did give it a bit of a clip.


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Its a camera on a Iphone, as you are old think of it like sending a painting via smoke signals
ahh smoke signals, I know about them. Green grass on fire and hold kangaroo skin over fire for 3 whompams, then let smoke go up to spirit gods. Got it, thanks :)
My dad was once a professional photographer in the 40s. He had a camera like this one...it weighs a couple of pounds. You would install a photographic plate in the back and then afterwards would have to develop it in a darkroom with caustic chemical baths. You could only take one picture at a time. I still have the camera on display. The large flashbulbs could only be used once.
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The fluffy stem plant in the back right is filling in nicely. But if you let the Rotala grow much taller you won't be seeing anything else soon.
There are actually fish in that tank, there are 10 dwarf rasboras a bunch of shrimp some snails and a male Betta.

The fluffy plant in the back is Ambulia.

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