Time To Introduce Ellie Rott

Nadine F

New Member
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
Rugby, England
Hi just thought it was high time I introduced our duppy pog - Ellie the Rottweiler.

She is two years old and we have had her a year now. She came from a rescue centre and had been declared aggressive, so it was us or the bullet. So we gave her a chance and well she's still here :D

The day we got her....


See very agressive....


And her first gotcha day....


Oh and two more just because I have to show her off :wub:

Playing with the snow...


And another aggressive one :hyper:


(Oh will kill me if he see's that one :ninja: )
Ah Ellie is lovely :wub:
Great that you gave her the chance in the right kind of home !
I am glad to see she is doing great and got a good home. Those dogs are so misunderstood. I think they are a very nice dog...In my opinion the only way they get mean is if the people who own them to make them mean.. :no:
I think it's fear based aggression, as she only gets narky when she is frightened or cornered. So as she is getting more and more confident the aggressive behaviour is becoming less and less.

Don't know too much about her past, but we do know that she is from working lines and is very highly driven, and she was sold as a pet to people who had never had a dog before, let alone a very active rottie :crazy:
I love the snow pic, how adorable :wub:
I love the snow pic, how adorable :wub:

This was soooo funny, it was taken last year and she had never seen snow before so just had to attack it :lol:

She then started pouncing on the flakes that settled and wondering where they went :lol:

A couple more for you....

"Throw the dummy, now, now, now!"




"Ummmphh gorrit, umpph.."


Wet Dog :wub:


Who said rottweilers would never make retrievers? :p

Wonder what the gun dog trial judges would say if we turned up with Ellie :devil:
What a gorgeous dog!! Rotties are great dogs. We have one at the shelter that was beaten within an inch of his life then abandoned. He's a little loony and is only good with some people. But he's so cuddly with most of us. But would love to eat some others.
What a gorgeous dog!! Rotties are great dogs. We have one at the shelter that was beaten within an inch of his life then abandoned. He's a little loony and is only good with some people. But he's so cuddly with most of us. But would love to eat some others.
Sounds just like Ellie dog.

There was anothe dog in rescue that we considered but saw Ellie first and felt she was the one for us, however he is still in kennels a year on as no one else has come along with the understanding and knowledge needed to deal with him

Here's a linky


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