Tiger Species In With Silver Sharks , C/loaches/ Etc

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
I have an 80 gallon tank and would like to put the following in.

3 clown loaches
2 pims pictus
4 silver sharks
1 siamese tiger...perhaps the datnioides micropelis

Would this be an acceptable set up?
too many?
Not enough?

Would like more tigers but what i have read if i go to 5 or more the tank is too small.

what other species of tiger can i put in with this lot.....Freshwater i mean

Hey there,

I'nm setting up a 120 USgallon tank and I'm look at adding a STF possibly a wide bar or the thin bar, depends what I can get ahold of.

The only fish on that list I would be worried about is the pictus as they only grow to about 4" and would probably be an easy snack for a STF.

Silver/Bala Sharks and CLs will be fine.

Here is a linbk to some info about STF - LINKY
tiger tiger your tank was 70gallons in your pictus thread wernt it? :rolleyes:
if you wanna know about tigers talk to T1KARMANN he has to be our forum expert :good:
Yeah Sorry, i just kinda round it up to a figure its actually 77 gallons.
I will try to remember the exact copacity in the future.

I have an 80 gallon tank and would like to put the following in.
1 siamese tiger...perhaps the datnioides micropelis

you do know that datnioides micropelis reaches 45cm/17.7"
I'm thinking that tank is too small for such a large adult fish
i think it is unlikely they will reach 17"
imo you could get away with keeping one but a group will need a much bigger tank
I have an 80 gallon tank and would like to put the following in.
1 siamese tiger...perhaps the datnioides micropelis

you do know that datnioides micropelis reaches 45cm/17.7"
I'm thinking that tank is too small for such a large adult fish

the indo datnioides micropelis can grow to 21inch as they are the largest type of dat but it would take 5yrs for them to even grow to 14inch

all tigers are very very slow growing they will grow fast up to about 6-8inch then you will be lucky if they grow 1-2inch per year

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