Tiger Tiger
Fish Crazy
I have an 80 gallon tank and would like to put the following in.
3 clown loaches
2 pims pictus
4 silver sharks
1 siamese tiger...perhaps the datnioides micropelis
Would this be an acceptable set up?
too many?
Not enough?
Would like more tigers but what i have read if i go to 5 or more the tank is too small.
what other species of tiger can i put in with this lot.....Freshwater i mean
3 clown loaches
2 pims pictus
4 silver sharks
1 siamese tiger...perhaps the datnioides micropelis
Would this be an acceptable set up?
too many?
Not enough?
Would like more tigers but what i have read if i go to 5 or more the tank is too small.
what other species of tiger can i put in with this lot.....Freshwater i mean