Tiger Oscars.


Need more information please.
How many gallons or litres is your tank.
How many fish you keep and which type.
Character and care-wise, all oscars are the same, although I've noticed the albino strains are a little sensitive to bright lights (many albinos, of all species are are).
As far as oscars go I would say tiger oscars are my favourite looks wise. In the past iv had 2 tiger oscars and 1 albino tiger. Very nice fish IMO

You have to think though are oscars in general the right fish for you/your tank.

For a start... Is your tank big enough for an Oscar? They require a very minimum of 55gal although a lot of other members here including myself would say that this is still too small and a 75gal minimum for a single Oscar would be considered much better.

2nd... Have you got enough filtration to cope with an Oscar? Oscars are very messy fish so they require a lot of filtration. You should be aiming for around 10x turnover to your initial tanks water volume. So for example if you had a 300 litre tank you would need around 3000LPH turnover.

And 3rd... What tank mates (if any) would you be considering to go with the Oscar? Oscar can be tricky when it comes to keeping them with other fish. They can and will eat any fish small enough for them to fit in their mouths (and they have big mouths lol)

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