Tiger Oscar


New Member
Feb 23, 2003
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(warning : Im new)

I've got a fairly new 20 gallon tank (month old) that has cycled. I've got 6 red eyed tetras that have been there since the start, just to start the tank for that matter. A few days ago I got a Tiger Oscar. It's only about 3 inches long right now. It's very shy. I heard they have personalities unlike lots of fish. Everytime I walk near the aquarium (2 feet) he runs and hides in a cave. Anything I can do to make him/her not be so scared of me?

I also noticed he does not seem to like the flourecent light. He seems to be a LOT more active when the light is turned off. When it's on during the daytime he's usually just sitting around and will swim around occasionally. Is this jsut the nature of the the fish? (Tiger Oscar)

P.S. I know he will end up eating the tetras eventually.
First, welcome to the forum.

Oscar's are great fish with personalities to match. Give your oscar a little time. They are shy fish and after it gets used to your tank it will surely come out of hiding.

One thing....do you have plans to upgrade to a larger tank in the future??? Your oscar has the potential to get up to 16" (I have seen them at this size in an aquarium), but will more than likely get to 12-14".

A minimum of a 55 gallon tank with lots of good filtration will be required for this fish for it to be healthy and happy.

Will post more a little later....short on time right now.

Yes my family is getting a 55 gallon in a few weeks. Also, I haven't seen it eat much or at all. I've tried to feed it cichlid pellets, tetramin flakes, and bloodworms. All the tetras in the tank usually go after the flakes and bloodworms before he even realizes they are in there, so that leaves him with the pellets. He will eat the pellets then spit them back out. Any idea why?
when first got my oscar i was feeding small flakes to some fry convicts he was sharing the tank with ( it is divided). he seemed to eat them okay, but i wanted him on hikari pellets, same thing the rest of my cichlids eat. he would spit them out for about four days or so, then he started eating them. eventually he will get hungry enough to eat.

Chances are he's just settling in to his new home. Most all fish are shy to some degree or another when new to a place.

As far as the pellets are concerned, the simplest explanation is likely the right one! He simply doesn't fancy the taste.

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