Tiger Oscar X Parrot Cichlid


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
My parrot cichlid has layed eggs many times before but I have never actually seen my Oscar mate with her or behave like he was mating with her.

The eggs are a brownish color at first but then usually just turn white after a day and then they disappear within a few days.

She protects the eggs very well and will not even let me get near the tank and if she sees me she starts attacking the glass.

they are the only two fish in the tank, so I assume one of them just ends up eating them.

She lays them in a little flower pot I have inside the tank with a few black flat river stones.

Today I was watching them for about an hour. She started to remove the gravel infront of her flower pot and dig a little area for herself. After she dug it, they were lip locking and swimming alongside each other for awhile. My Oscar's colors became very bright and his underneath became sort of a golden brown color.

He would swim away from her and then start to show his fins to her and shake them in a weird way.

She would get close to him and then would raise her top fin and it looked as if she was flaring her gills out at him and then when he would notice her, she would swim back to her flower pot and wait for him to come closer to her.

Now it seems like they are just acting normal again but I don't see any eggs or anything.

what do you think?
It could be mating behaviour, however I don't think anything will become of the eggs. I don't think oscars can cross breed with parrots (and theres a very slim chance your parrot will be fertile, if I remember correctly the majority of parrots are infertile - maybe someone could confirm this?)
the parrot cichlid is not infirtile becuase she stated that the parrot cichlid was a female so there is a chance they can breed but it would be really slim.
if it dose happend and you do see little wigglers inform us please! :good:
good luck!
I have been checking constantly for eggs and no luck yet. I think the water may be a bit cold for her to start to actually lay eggs. I might raise the temp a bit and see what happens.

She has layed eggs many times before, but I've never seen wrigglers before.
hmm add a diter fish.
it should speed up the process

any type of fish I have tried to add with them, my blood parrot attacks them. she HATES any other fish besides her Oscar.

she even attacks the glass when I get close to it. :crazy:

These two fish cannot cross but will act like a pair.

i agree. oscars only breed successfully with oscars. i think female b.p.'s are usually fertile where males are usually not. i think 1% of males are fertile. though they may seem to act like they are breeding i dont think anything will become of it.

How are ya? Well, Im glad I found this post. My red parrot just had babies today...
I have her in a 30gal with 2 bolivian rams, 1 german ram, and 1 Albino Oscar.
Right away my thought was that she breed with the Albino Oscar. She always swims with him, and she hates my rams.

I caught my Oscar trying to eat the eggs so, I seperated all of them. Ive read that its not likely the eggs will survive. Not even sure if seperating my oscar from the tank is a good idea either.
Im going to keep them seperate for a few days and see what happens. Let me know how your parrot is doing.

How are ya? Well, Im glad I found this post. My red parrot just had babies today...
I have her in a 30gal with 2 bolivian rams, 1 german ram, and 1 Albino Oscar.
Right away my thought was that she breed with the Albino Oscar. She always swims with him, and she hates my rams.

I caught my Oscar trying to eat the eggs so, I seperated all of them. Ive read that its not likely the eggs will survive. Not even sure if seperating my oscar from the tank is a good idea either.
Im going to keep them seperate for a few days and see what happens. Let me know how your parrot is doing.

1. Your parrot cannot breed with any of the fish you have.
2. Your tank is too small for the fish you have.

How are ya? Well, Im glad I found this post. My red parrot just had babies today...
I have her in a 30gal with 2 bolivian rams, 1 german ram, and 1 Albino Oscar.
Right away my thought was that she breed with the Albino Oscar. She always swims with him, and she hates my rams.

I caught my Oscar trying to eat the eggs so, I seperated all of them. Ive read that its not likely the eggs will survive. Not even sure if seperating my oscar from the tank is a good idea either.
Im going to keep them seperate for a few days and see what happens. Let me know how your parrot is doing.

1. Your parrot cannot breed with any of the fish you have.
2. Your tank is too small for the fish you have.

Indeed. FAR too small. Oscars need 55G minimum on their own. I'd look at getting a bigger tank.
Thanks for your replys.
So basically the parrot fish mated with the oscar. Laid eggs, but because there not supposed to mate with eachother. The eggs wont hatch? Your insight is appreciated.

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