Tiger Oscar Growth on Head

I test the water for pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, KH, GH and Ammonia before and after every water change.

Whenever I change the water the gravel gets vacuumed thorouchly. Usually 1/2 at one change and then half at the next so as not to distrub things too much. If the gravel is unusally dirty I sometinmes do the whole tank as he like most oscars is a very messy eater.

What anti-bacterial would you recommend? Mela-Fix isn't cutting it.

melafix is a an antiseptic and wont do anything for bacteria.
as you are in america i dont know what would work, maybe maracyn 2 would do it.
Gosh that growth is big. Is there any way you could take him to a vet? I don't know if there is such a thing as fish vets.
hi gaya :)

he could get it cut off but it would just grow again and the chances of more coming along are great as well. sometimes it will shrivel up on its own but more often that not more come along anyway and it could be costly and traumatic for the fish.
Please don't think me rude Black Angel, but don't Antiseptics and Anti-Bacterials cover some of the same ground?

I remember Dettol antiseptic from Scotland (wish I could get that stuff over here!) it used to claim killing and prevention of bacteria, fungi, viruses and others I can't remember.

Of course Anti-Bacterials only work on bacteria.

Interestingly enough, my bottle of Mela-Fix lists itself as an anti-bacterial. Still regardless of whether it is one or the other it still isn't working.

I think I'll give the Maracyn 2 a try as you suggested.

Thanks, always appreciative of the help.

I hear ya Black angel but looking at that thing makes me just want to remove it lol. I’m one of those people that can’t stand bumps, uneven nails ect.

ice, I think your gonna need something stronger than melafix. Get out the big guns!
ice > antiseptic in melafix isnt strong enough to fight the bacteria your fish has, i would only use melafix if a fish had a split fin for example to help it repair and stop any nasty getting in. :)

i know what you mean gaya its not nice to look at :sick:
Well, after 10 days in a 10 gal hospital tank (yes it's small but allows for the same does of medicine with less pills) Hemmingway's eye has completely cleared up. He is swimming about the tank freely and his eye seems to have suffered no ill effects. Maracy II seemed to do the job along with a vitamin and trace element supplement for the water.

Of course he still has that large lympho growth on his head but we'll fight one battle at a time.

I am sorry to say that Hemmingway passed on sometime Thursday morning. Found him deceased at lunch at the bottom of the tank.

He had lost his appetite in the last week or so and since I last posted that growth on his head had almost doubled in size.

Very sad to seem him go; the smartest fish I have ever owned and with quite the personality.

Looking forward, how should I clean this tank if I ever wish to put fish in it again. I refer to the lympocystis that Hemmingway had. I have drained the tank and removed all decorations. I had scrubbed all Algae from the sides.

Should I toss the gravel and start over, how abou the bio-wheels?


Sorry for your loss, R.I.P.
Sorry to hear about your fish, such a shame.

as for the tank i dont know what you should do but i wouldve thought buying new would be the best bet so getting new gravel and filter and rinsing the tank out with a mild bleach solution and rinsing about 100 times.

Maybe someone else will know what to do but if it was my tank with a disease that spreads then i would start from scratch. remember to cycle it again as well.

Good luck with your next fish, and look forward to pics :)

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