Tiger Com


Fish Gatherer
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
my project is done 8)

just a little update of my tigers nothing smaller than 11inch (exept the NTT)

all coments welcome




im glad your finally happy with your stock mate :good: that is a sweet collection of fish.
your tank has allways been a inspiration for me we like all the same fish :nod:
How many dats do you have??
The tigirnus is gorgeous.
And your rays are obviously gorgeous.
How big is your tank?
Can we get some pics focused on the aro?
NTT = north thia tiger = thin bar dat

hears a pic of just the aro

i see your selling your big cambelli whys that mate?
if i wernt skint i would love that fish :nod:

i took the cambelli out to see if the tank was more carm without him

but im happy i didnt sell him now as the time he was out of the tank all hell broke out with them all trying to sort out a new boss so i put him back in and its all good now

the cambelli still shows them whos boss but nowere near as much fighting as when he was not in the tank

hears an update picture all 5 big boys together and the cambelli is in their :D

so the cambelli keeps all the others in check :lol: can they do serious damage to each other?
great pic btw :nod:
so the cambelli keeps all the others in check :lol: can they do serious damage to each other?
great pic btw :nod:

no damage just split fins

the cambelli has a much smaller mouth than other tigers so less damage when its him doing the chasing

when they were all fighting for a new boss their was a lot of spashing going on

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