tiger barbs


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
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i think my tiger barb is pregnint how can i be shure?
dose eny one have a picture?
how long do they stay pregnint?
HELP! :dunno:
Tiger barbs need a special set-up with a tank devoted to breeding them....They lay eggs which will quickly be consumed by the parents or anything else thats lucky enough to get them...Heres a link that gives a basic outline for it...theres also plenty of info on the web if your really interested?...Why do you think shes "pregnant"?...has she grown a belly?...This could be from over feeding...as i find mine always seem to bulge up a little after a big meal.



Tiger Barbs.
The females of most barb species become deeper in the body and noticeably wider when viewed from above as they mature. Unless the fish is showing signs of distress, or the deepening is uneven, (i.e. a lump on one side etc.), you needn't worry about it.

Females will often drop a few eggs in a ciommunity tank. These rarely survive long, the other fish in the tank will eat them. Any that survive, that had been fertilised may hatch if your water is soft enough, but the fry are very small and stand no real chance.

To breed egglayers, you really need special breeding set-ups.

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