Tiger barbs


Aug 27, 2004
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Tennessee, USA
I would love too breed a few tiger barbs ..... I have heard that only the male gets a red nose is this true ?? and if so could you give me some evidence too back up this statement or our own experiance ?? Also ANY tips from people who have bred these wonderfull fish would be GREAT
Research told me that, maybe you should do some reading on it yourself.

I dont really understand what you are asking..... Are you asking if males only have red snout?
willywonka099 said:
I would love too breed a few tiger barbs ..... I have heard that only the male gets a red nose is this true ?? and if so could you give me some evidence too back up this statement or our own experiance ?? Also ANY tips from people who have bred these wonderfull fish would be GREAT
I don't know how much clearer I could have worded this
I have done reading and it says "males get a brighter colouration" and I wa slucky too find that after 6 or 7 trys
From the University of Hawaii Manual for Production of Tiger Barb there are several sites that have profiles about tiger barbs, mongabay.com, fishprofiles.com, etc. that all talk about how to sex the fish. As it is a common fish, several books talk about them, too. Google.com is an invaluable tool. Searching for 'breed tiger barb' lists 9,620 sites!

The reason it says that males get a brighter coloration is that is does not always happen, usually the most dominate one is brightest, down males that may look like females. Also, if the male is not 'in the mood' so to say, too old, too young or whatever it may not display quite as good coloration. And, ultimately, each fish is an individual, and the only 100% to sex the fish would be to dissect it -- not much help if you want to then breed it.
I described my Tiger Barb breeding experience and advice in this thread. Yes, male TB's develop red colouration on the snout.

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