Tiger Barbs


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2011
Reaction score
Sunderland, United Kingdom
Posting here as I seem to be getting no where in other sections :)

My partner is re stocking our 215 L tank.

Majority of the fish will be re homed or moved to our other tank (which will be mine :D)

He is fancying Tiger Barbs, done some research but wanted opinions on here too, what are good tank mates for them??

Our RTBS will be staying in the tank

Also, how are gouramis with tigers??

thank you :)
You are very limited with tank mates if you want tiger barbs. I wouldn't trust them with gouramis personally. The only fish I've had that have coped with tigers are plecs, loaches and dwarf cichlids.

The RTBS will be fine though.
If you go for 15-25+ tiger barbs and planted, gouramis may work (I have seen this work in other tanks), but you need to be careful. If you go for less barbs, it will almost certainly not work.
My Tiger Barbs get along with their tankmates fine. :good: I agree with fluttermoth and Kitty Kat that Gouramis would probably be a bad idea.
I would choose fish that are relatively hardy but dont have long flowing fins. Plecs, loaches may work
I would say other barbs and dwarf cichlids. Do like 10 tigers,10 rosies, and a pair of dwarf cichlids.

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