Tiger barbs


New Member
Feb 17, 2004
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What Fish would go well in a 80 L tank with 6 small tiger barbs
I'd say fast-swimming tetras and danios. Long-finned and slow fish are prey to fin-nipping by tigers.
I just noticed that you have 7 goldifsh in a 30 L tank. I'm not quite sure how big that is, but I belive it is too small. Goldfish are very messy and when in small spaces and in large quantities this large amount of waste results in lots of stress and diseases. You might want to reconsider keeping a tank of goldfish unless you're sure they'll stay small.
tempestuousfury said:
I just noticed that you have 7 goldifsh in a 30 L tank. I'm not quite sure how big that is, but I belive it is too small. Goldfish are very messy and when in small spaces and in large quantities this large amount of waste results in lots of stress and diseases. You might want to reconsider keeping a tank of goldfish unless you're sure they'll stay small.

That's only 6UK/8US. I really think you shoud consider other options or them. Goldfish need way more room than that and all goldfish sites I have seen say at least 10US PER FISH because like tf said they produce so much waste that they need that much water each to dilute it to suitable levels.

Not only that but the fish can't have much in the way of swimming room in something that small. Goldfish get really big, 8"+ is totally normal and more for commons and comets. Also comets need more swimming room as they are built better for swimming fast.

I don't think that goldfish need as much as 10US each when they are in a bigger tank but I think to keep one, they should have that and to keep 2 maybe 15US. I think that as long as the fish have enough room to psyically swim and grow, and the parameters are kept good by water changes and other maintenence, then fish can live in that environment for a time but may need to be re-housed eventually.

Also, there's no way that healthy goldfish will not grow. Do you mean the old 'fish grow to the size of the tank' myth? In any case this is not true as although the outside body will not grow their insides will and they will have organs too big for their stunted body leading to, as you can imagine a torturous death.

Tigers tend to ignore Cory's as well, they make good tank mates.
lol... how old are you ....... are u sure your ready for fishkeeping ?

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