Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2005
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I currently have - 2 plecs, 4 dwarf gouramis, 8 neon tetras, 4 mollies, 4 adult guppies (and a good number of guppy fry, which are soon to be rehomed via my lfs. I don't plan on any further guppy breeding) - and I own a 125 litre tank.

Whilst I was at the lfs yesterday (buying some nice new plants, and confirming that they'd take the guppy fry off my hands), I was drawn to the little tiger barbs. The guy at the shop told me it was a "no-no" if I had guppies, as they'd nip their tails. However, all about this website, I'm reading that if you have 6 or more, they'd be fine. What do you guys think?

If you too, reckon it's a huge "no-no", what CAN they be kept with? I also have a soon-to-be-empty 6 gallon tank that I could utilise to keep some other fish...

Thanks in advance guys,

Pysgodyn xx
See my recent post here

Guppies, tetras, gouramis, mollies are all tempting targets for tiger barbs. Neons will be mercilessly fin-nipped.

I would highly recommend against introducing tiger barbs to an established community of docile, colorful fish.

If you want something similar to tiger barbs, maybe try a black (widow) tetra?


There are also barbs similar to tigers that have less obnoxious tendencies.

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