Tiger Barbs, Shrimp And Bottom Feeders Oh My!


New Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Rexburg, ID USA
I just made the huge mistake of buying some beutiful Cherry Shrimp to clean my tank, with five Tiger Barbs in it. I asked arround to a bunch of people that I don't think had a clew what they were talking about. I have never been able to find my Ghost shrimp when I get new ones, they disapear whithin a day. After reading these forums now I know my barbs are shrimp eaters.

I am hoping someone can help me find ways to keep my cherry shrimp alive or find a beautiful living alternative to cleaning out all the algae in my tank.
All barbs will munch shrimp, you will have to either move the shrimp to a safer tank or remove the barbs.
All barbs will munch shrimp, you will have to either move the shrimp to a safer tank or remove the barbs.

I've had Tiger Barbs in with Amano Shrimp okay before, though the Tiger Barbs wern't full size so it's difficult to say for sure what would happen with a fully-grown Amano and a fully-grown Tiger Barb.
im not going to pretend i know anyting about fish but have you ever tried Triops, theyre really cool and shouldnt be eaten by your barbs. just rear the triops in a seperated tank until they reach about an inch then transfer the.
im not going to pretend i know anyting about fish but have you ever tried Triops, theyre really cool and shouldnt be eaten by your barbs. just rear the triops in a seperated tank until they reach about an inch then transfer the.

Fish and triops are not a good mix.
Yeah, the barbs will eat small enough triops just as fast as they ate the cherry shrimp.
And any triops big enough not to be eaten by the barbs are a danger to small fish in the tank...

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