Tiger Barbs Inactive

My personal experiance says that, tiger barbs fades(Black Strips gets fade & also the red fin tips)when ever their is a very sudden change like lights On/Off, Power Filter is put on, any uncompatible fish is introduced.

That's only i can share with you friend,
Purely experiance base not from any knowledge Base.
I originally had 3 tiger barbs for 2 months and 3 weeks ago bought another 7 to add to my 125 litre juwel tank. Now since I have addded them they have been quite inactive most of the times and sometimes their colours seems to be faded. I have seen them also be really active too. They do seem to be more active if I switch of the tank lights. I have no other fish in the tank and have a few plants and bogwood and coconut caves. Anyone explain this behaviour?

I have 5 tigers and the lights i have, when turned on they scatter, they turn a light yellow with greenish pale colored stripes. they sit in one spot and twitch and shake, trying a smaller bulb or filter the light, i used a purple filter, they are all back in black and gold in color. Also they stopped the twitching. I notice that they absolutely refuse to eat when in the faded state. Picky fish, my swordtailds never get picky about the light...
I have 8 young tiger barbs, around 1" only. They simply don't like the tank lights at all, but do accept a smaller light higher than tank, just enough to light the tank a bit. Water changes are no problem, they are just too interested in what is going on and my hand.

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