Tiger Barbs Inactive


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland
I originally had 3 tiger barbs for 2 months and 3 weeks ago bought another 7 to add to my 125 litre juwel tank. Now since I have addded them they have been quite inactive most of the times and sometimes their colours seems to be faded. I have seen them also be really active too. They do seem to be more active if I switch of the tank lights. I have no other fish in the tank and have a few plants and bogwood and coconut caves. Anyone explain this behaviour?
Anyone? They are still inactive and hussle up in one corner. They are eating well and seem to be swimming fine when lights are off.
I think that Tiger Barbs like to have a fairly well planted tank for cover which might explain why they prefer the dark at the moment. It might be worth adding some more plants into the tank whilst still leaving them space to swim about. The fading and returning of their colour could just be from where they are trying to work out dominance in the new group. Hope everything goes well. They are a lovely fish. :good:
Thanks for the info, I might add a fe more plants. Which plants are easier to look after and whats the best temps for tiger please? I also may add a few zebra loachs as the tank is looking bear right now.
Amazon swords, anubias, java fern, water wisteria are all easy plants. Tiger barbs prefer a temperature between 24-28C, I'd personally set to 26.5 or 27C
Right, think I need to put the temp up slightly too. I dont have any other fish just 9 tiger barbs.
my tiger barbs used to do this they would fade and huddle in one corner since i added more plants including floatinf there colours have come back and are active again and have even spawned
I take it your water stats have been ok after adding the other fish?

Do you think the lighting I have might be too strong? Do tigers like subdued lighting? I have no ammonia or nitrite/nitrate. I have juwel 125 litre tank
It's possible that your lights may be too strong, but tiger barbs aren't known to shy away from light. You could try lowering your lighting and see what happens.
I have had 5 Tiger Barbs for the last couple months and this is what I have observed from them.

They like to swim circuits are the tank chasing each other. At least the males do. The one female that I have just sits under the heater and doesn't really do much until it's time to eat. She is very inactive otherwise.

My barbs love the light. They are non-stop swimming psychos when the light is on. When it is off they just kind of float prone in a strange vertical position.

I have noticed that the color fluctuates with activity. When it's feeding time or when they are fighting or chasing each other around the fins get a lot more red. 3 of them are albino and they are gorgeous to look at.

I kind of set my tank up so that there is a lot of room for them to jet around in. Yet still keeping it planted and having a large structure made out of pieces of slate for them to chill out in.

Other than that, I dunno, give them a varied diet. Mine consists of tropical flake, river shrimp, tubifex worms, bloodworms, algea waffers and shrimp pellets. I also have tossed some cucumber in the tank from time to time.

Are you using any aquarium salt? Freshwater fish still require electrolytes and such.
I dont add salt. When I had only 6 I also had odessa barbs and they wrer really active and the tigers were very active and colourful. At that point the vallis plants were on the surface but I cut them down so I persume they dont like the the light. I also have light coloured sand. Would dark substrate be better?
Do you tink lightcoloured sand i too bright for the tigers. I was thinking of a darker substrate like black gravel or black sand

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