Tiger Barbs In Community Tank?


New Member
May 16, 2009
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can green tiger barb be put in a tank with community fish? even though there 'semi'-aggressive
my community tank is 30 gallons
it depends what else is in the tank
and if you do get them you need to keep them in a group of atleast 6 to keep agression down
can green tiger barb be put in a tank with community fish? even though there 'semi'-aggressive
my community tank is 30 gallons

What else do you have in the tank?

basic peaceful fish like zebra danios, dwarf gourmis, neon tetras
but im considering getting bamboo shrimp instead and just adding my tiger barb to my second tank that im about to start cycling (it was going to be used for saltwater fish)
from what i understand, tiget barbs are fin nippers, which doesnt make them very suitable in a community tank.

Although i maybe wrong.
basic peaceful fish like zebra danios, dwarf gourmis, neon tetras
but im considering getting bamboo shrimp instead and just adding my tiger barb to my second tank that im about to start cycling (it was going to be used for saltwater fish)

IMO, the Danios and Gouramis would likely be at risk for being bullied. The Tetras might be fast enough to stay away from the Tigers, but I have never kept them together so I can't say for sure. In order to keep the correct # of Danios, Tetras, and Tigers, I don't think the tank size is going to be sufficient. As someone else mentioned, you really should keep Tigers in groups of 6+ in order to keep the aggression and fin nipping to a minimum.

For your second tank, are you doing a fishless cycle I hope? I did a fish-in cycle with Tigers for my very first tank and that did not go well... lost a few of them. I would strongly recommend a fishless cycle first. :good: What size is the other tank?
Tiger barbs are basically unpredictable.

In large enough numbers, they are peaceful towards other fish. I'd day 8+ in your tank.

Only add bamboo shrimp if you are prepared to target feed them small particled food every couple of days using a syringe or pipette, crushed flake works well.

Otherwise they seem to either slowly die or wreck their fans trying to look for food on the ground.

You also need to make sure the shrimp will have a few options of places to hide in (where fish wont go) for when they shed their skin. Otherwise they can be attacked and critically injured at this time,
IMO.... I wouldn't keep tiger barbs in a 30gal tank. With the number you have to keep to hopefully keep aggression down, and how active they are, I personally wouldn't put them in less than a 55gal.
With your tankmates, I wouldn't risk getting them.

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