if i were you i wouldn't put in any clown loaches. those guys get really big. i have a couple in my 29 right now and they are very very small maybe an inch right now, but i kno after they hit about 6 or 7 inches im gonna have to give them back to the store for a couple smaller fish.
in a 29 gallon tank u can have 6 of each barb and a few corys.
as long as u are good with ur water changes and u have a good filter,
might wanna look into some different fish, all barbs will leave the bottom of the tank pretty fishless. i'd only get 2 types of barbs and get 7 each and then get some 6 cory cats, they'll school around hte bottom of the tank and finish the left over food.
maybe get a bottom feeder type shark in there too, cuz they're tough and wont be botherd by the barbs