Tiger Barbs - Firemouths


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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Sutton Coldfield / West Midlands / England / UK
I`m thinking about setting up a 23g tank and just keeping firemouths and a large shoal of tiger barbs in it and a few bottom dwelling species

i know tiger barbs have a habbit of fin nipping but as they are in a large enough group they may be more interested in themselves than other fish

also my firemouths are agresive mainly with each other at the moment but seem great with other fish except my rams which i had to get out very quick lol

the tank is quite large and will be quite heavily planted at 1 end and have like a rock fall and cave effect going on the full length of the tank so quite a lot of hiding places

so i`m wondering if the 2 species will be ok kept together ????

Richard :)
Should be fine. How many of each fish are we talking here?
I don't think i'd add any more. Seems pretty stocked as it is.
Richard said:
the tank is quite large and will be quite heavily planted at 1 end and have like a rock fall and cave effect going on the full length of the tank so quite a lot of hiding places
o0o0! sounds cool maybe a few pictures (if you want to... :huh: )
I have 6 black widow tetras and 4 Paradise fish in a 36 gallon and that seems overstocked??
10 Tigerbards in a 23Gal is a lot.

but Tiger bards and firemouths would be ok in a single tank

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