Tiger Barbs Fighting


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2007
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I have two barbs that look like they're fighting or mating. They swim in circles really really close to each other. I just want to know if this is normal?
Tiger barbs are shoaling fish, and is best kept in groups of 6 or more. If kept in low numbers, they will pick on the weaker one too much and stress it out. If kept in a larger group, the aggression will be spreaded out evenly. Tiger barbs order themselves in a hierarchy and like to fight for top position.

It is a normal behaviour, but having only two would mean that they will fight very often and tire themselves out. I would add 4 more to reduce the stress if you got the time and room. When fighting, they will turn to quite a black colour, and circle around the other, and peck. Sometimes you might even see them face to face.
Tiger barbs are shoaling fish, and is best kept in groups of 6 or more. If kept in low numbers, they will pick on the weaker one too much and stress it out. If kept in a larger group, the aggression will be spreaded out evenly. Tiger barbs order themselves in a hierarchy and like to fight for top position.

It is a normal behaviour, but having only two would mean that they will fight very often and tire themselves out. I would add 4 more to reduce the stress if you got the time and room. When fighting, they will turn to quite a black colour, and circle around the other, and peck. Sometimes you might even see them face to face.

Oh I have 7 of them. Just 2 of them yesterday were circling together really closely. There wasn't any face to face fighting, so I was wondering if it was a mating ritual or something. No black colour but their fins were erect.

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