Tiger Barbs - Behavoir


New Member
Nov 18, 2005
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Tiger Barbs seem to have a reputation as nippers and be aggressive. You can evidence that in lfs in the tanks as they always seem to be fighting amongst themselves. Maybe this is just sorting who's boss.
Its a shame as they are a nice looking fish and whilst I understand a shoal of 6 or more will keep them occupied amongst themselves, it is safe to add them to a 30 gal(UK) community tank amongst other fish such as swordtail and danios. B)
They might take a nip at the swords, not sure though. I can't see them going for anything else.
Even in large groups, a Tiger Barb will nip at a trailing fin - it is what they do. Regular Danios will be okay because they are fast swimmers, swords may be at risk, although they are normally able to look after themselves, I've always found them to be semi-aggresive in fact.
Years ago I kept swords and tigers together and no issues at all. It was in a 55gallon tank though.

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