tiger barbs and other barbs


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
hi, this has proberbly been asked before (countless times) but I'm asking anyway

I'm setting up a barb only tank 40"x 19"x 19",
this comes with two trickle filters that use bio balls and sponges
I'll also be adding an eheim classic 2213 cannister.
I'll be using live plants and sand as a substrate.

I'm thinking of 4 tigers, 4 green tigers and 4 albino tigers for a
start (not all at once).
so the question is what other species of barb would be ok with them?
How big is that in gallons? :p

Anyways... sounds like a good idea.

Tiger barbs do ok with most any of the common barbs - cherry, checker, golden, arulius, rosy, cuming's, clown, zebra, ember, black ruby, odessa, five-banded, schuberti, half-banded, ticto, banded, walker's... Anything fast and not too small or too large should be fine IMO.
I think that is a 62.5 us gallon tank. (L*w*h*.00433=us gallon)
I think you will be fine with any species of barb as some one already said.
sylvia said:
Tiger barbs do ok with most any of the common barbs - cherry, checker, golden, arulius, rosy, cuming's, clown, zebra, ember, black ruby, odessa, five-banded, schuberti, half-banded, ticto, banded, walker's... Anything fast and not too small or too large should be fine IMO.
cool just what I was looking for. thanks silvia :thumbs:

yes thats 62.51 us gallons of air but I think the water
volume would be around 60.
The-Wolf said:
I'm thinking of 4 tigers, 4 green tigers and 4 albino tigers for a
start (not all at once).

Be careful about the Albino tiger barbs. I have had terrible experiences with them. I bought a total of eight from to different LFSs and they have all died. My water tests fine and all of my regular tigers are thriving. I am not the only person who keeps them to have this trouble. I'll see if I can find the thread.

You will really love tigers in a planted tank. Mine chase each other through the plants and it looks like they are going throgh a jungle.
gwlee7 said:
Be careful about the Albino tiger barbs. I have had terrible experiences with them. I bought a total of eight from to different LFSs and they have all died. My water tests fine and all of my regular tigers are thriving. I am not the only person who keeps them to have this trouble. I'll see if I can find the thread.
:eek: Thanks for that :D
Of course, it is doubtful that you and I get fish from the same distributor. Rocky Mount, North Carolina is a long way from England :lol:

I don't know if they have been too inbred or what over here. They were pretty but never as active and finally died off one by one. I hated it too....

I replaced each one with a regular tiger and they are all doing fine.

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