Fish Fanatic
I have 4 tiger barbs (started with 6) and they are acting a little funny. For about the last week... when they are not active, they put their heads down and tails up. Is this normal?
Hi Line dropper I got some information for you on breeding Barbs to back up my previous comment the underlined section explains the headstands.
Breeding: Spawning and raising the fry is a relatively simple task. Set up a breeding tank of at least 20 gallons. Keep the water slightly acidic for breeding. The tank should have a heater, sponge filter, a layer or two of marbles on the tank bottom to hide and protect the eggs, and a few live plants. Lower the temperature to 25 degrees Celsius. Introduce the female first and condition on a variety of live, frozen or freeze dried foods like brine shrimp, the same goes for the male, but keep them separate for two days before introducing the male. When the female has filled with eggs put the male in the breeding tank in the afternoon. You will/should notice them instantly start to swim around each other and the male will do head stands and spread all his fins right out and display to her, this will excite the female.
for full article : http/;IDItem=Null