Tiger Barb Tankmates


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
Hello everyone,

I need you to recommend the best tankmates for Tiger Barbs. ^_^ There are currently 24 (8 normal, 8 albino, and 8 green) kept in a 150 gallon tank. What do I add and how many of it?

It depends on what type of fish you like. Tiger barbs will usually get along with other barbs, big tetras, medium sized gouramis like pearl, blue and gold gouramis. They should be fine with Corydoras catfish and most Plecostomus or sucker-mouth catfish. Some fo the smaller central American cichlids do well, ie: blue acars, keyholes, etc.
Just avoid keeping them with slow moving fish or fish with long flowing fins, ie: male fighters, angelfish and guppies.
It depends on what type of fish you like. Tiger barbs will usually get along with other barbs, big tetras, medium sized gouramis like pearl, blue and gold gouramis. They should be fine with Corydoras catfish and most Plecostomus or sucker-mouth catfish. Some fo the smaller central American cichlids do well, ie: blue acars, keyholes, etc.
Just avoid keeping them with slow moving fish or fish with long flowing fins, ie: male fighters, angelfish and guppies.

Thanks a lot. ^_^ I've got rosy barbs, black skirt tetras, serpae tetras, giant danios, red-tailed black sharks, gold barbs, polka-dot loaches, and kribensis on the list. The way I've worked it out with the numbers, there's still quite a bit of room left. Anyone have any other recommendations?
not a problem. i must say they're great fish to have. Although with that many tiger barbs i would say you can put pretty much anything with them. but like colinT said nothing too slow or with big nippable fins.
not a problem. i must say they're great fish to have. Although with that many tiger barbs i would say you can put pretty much anything with them. but like colinT said nothing too slow or with big nippable fins.

So what do you think about this setup, lyotim88?

24 Tiger Barbs (assorted)
6 Rosy Barbs
8 Black Skirt Tetras
8 Serpae Tetras
6 Giant Danios
1 Red Tailed Shark
8 Gold Barbs
6 Polka-Dot Loaches
2 Kribensis

I was thinking about adding glo-fish to this mix. What do you think?
sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs
sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs

I believe glofish are danios that have been colour dyed, so i would avoid them
sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs

I believe glofish are danios that have been colour dyed, so i would avoid them

Actually, I think glo-fish are zebra danios that've been genetically altered, not dyed. I think they act the same as normal danios, is that right? If that's the case, then adding them to this tank shouldn't be a problem?

sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs

Sure thing, thanks a lot. :good:
sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs

I believe glofish are danios that have been colour dyed, so i would avoid them

Actually, I think glo-fish are zebra danios that've been genetically altered, not dyed. I think they act the same as normal danios, is that right? If that's the case, then adding them to this tank shouldn't be a problem?

sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs

Sure thing, thanks a lot. :good:

i suppose if you really like them you could go for a group of about 6. They're supposed to be active when kept in groups. well in your tank you can keep a lot more than 6 lol
sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs

I believe glofish are danios that have been colour dyed, so i would avoid them

Actually, I think glo-fish are zebra danios that've been genetically altered, not dyed. I think they act the same as normal danios, is that right? If that's the case, then adding them to this tank shouldn't be a problem?

sounds good to me. I dont know about adding the glofish as i don't know much about them. Just make sure you have plenty of rockwork for your fish to establish territories, especially the kribs

Sure thing, thanks a lot. :good:

i suppose if you really like them you could go for a group of about 6. They're supposed to be active when kept in groups. well in your tank you can keep a lot more than 6 lol

Well technically not my tank, but my friend who is setting up this tank loves them. They would definitely have to be in a group of at least 6, but since this tank of hers can hold a lot more, how many would you suggest?

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