Yes, I am now looking for suitable tank mates for my betta or, at the very least, fish that can be kept in a 15 gallon tank. The betta is not a problem, if none of the ones i like are good to put in with my betta, I can keep him in his 2,5 gallon and have other fish in the 15 gallon, but if I can get any fish in there with it, that would be the best.
I just took a look at that list and here are some I liked:
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Guppy (the fancy ones, which I'm aware I can't put in with Casper)
Licorice Gouramis
Indostomus Crocodilus
Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora
Celestial Pearl Danio
Green Neon Rasbora
Emerald Dwarf Danio
Dwarf-Spotted Rasbora
Chocolate Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Bluefin Nothobranch
These are some that i liked from the list.
I'm sure I can get Guppy, Dwarf Gouramis, some kinds of Danios and some Rasboras here where I live. Most of those i had never seen before and they are gorgeous but I'm sure most of them aren't sold here. Anyway, let me know which I could put in with a betta or without and how many and if I can house different species together.
Thank you everyone!
(And by the way, I'm a she.)
Also, could it be a sorority tank for female bettas? Just for future references.