Tiger Barb Tank Mates?


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
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Anyone have any suggestions for tankmates for my 5 tiger barbs? tank specs are in my signiature.
I'm considering a three-spot gourami, a ruby shark, a bristlenose pleco, and some khuli loaches.
Your selection sounds grand for those barbs. I have two bala sharks (will probably have to get rid of them once they get big!), and two dwarf gourmai, all with the five mature barbs and two younger barbs which were also bought today. There is also a giant danio, but its still small.
Anyone have any suggestions for tankmates for my 5 tiger barbs? tank specs are in my signiature.
I'm considering a three-spot gourami, a ruby shark, a bristlenose pleco, and some khuli loaches.

I have a tiger barb in my tank (30 gal.) with six neons, two gold barbs, two danios, three red wag platys, one albino catfish. They all seem to get along really well. :friends: Thankfully, they have been living in the same tank for over a year now with no major problems.
Good luck with your choices.
i can imagine the shark would be fine with the barbs. i've wanted to get a new tank with tiger barbs and a shark for ages and have also been thinking about the centre peice fish for ages too. i was thinking about some sort of cichlid.
all gouramis are fine and the BN would be okay too :good:
I'd be a little wary of housing a gourami of any kind with TB's, those trailing fin extensions would be tempting. The other things on the list sound okay though.
I wouldn't be too worried about the Gourami so long as your tiger barbs are kept in a nice group of about 6 to 8...that way they only really bother themselves and not the other fish in the tank. My tiger barbs (especially the dominant male) tried it on with the Dwarf Gourami but the Gourami is a tough 'ould fish and put the tiger in its place...I have yet to see the tiger barb going near the gourami since this one incident.

I now have Tiger barbs, Dwarf Gourami's, Sword Tails, Black Mollys, Bala sharks and red tailed sharks in the one tank and they are all getting on great. There are incidents now and again but they rarely last for more than a few seconds with the respective parties going about their business afterwards.

Get about 20 Barbs! Tiger, Green, Albino and Odessa. And of course, LOTS of Kuhlis! :good:

Anyone have any suggestions for tankmates for my 5 tiger barbs? tank specs are in my signiature.
I'm considering a three-spot gourami, a ruby shark, a bristlenose pleco, and some khuli loaches.
i had about 30 tiger barbs in a tank once. 250 gallon with a male dwarf gourami and 2 females along with other fish. the fish were fine so i wouldn't worry about the gourami.

I now have Tiger barbs, Dwarf Gourami's, Sword Tails, Black Mollys, Bala sharks and red tailed sharks in the one tank

how many red tailed sharks?
how big is this tank and also, i'd worry about the sword tails. how big are the tiger barbs?
Get about 20 Barbs! Tiger, Green, Albino and Odessa. And of course, LOTS of Kuhlis! :good:

Uh, no thanks. i want more than barbs, and i realized that i can't have khulis because i have gravel and they like sand.

Oh, i now have 9 barbs, to be on the safe side, but the dominant male (named Brute) is being really aggressive toward his smaller tankmates. anyway i can stop him? he is currently the largest barb and is forcing all of the others into hiding. i only see them at feeding time. I don't have anywhere else to put him (i don't have a quarantine tank due to lack of room) and as he is the best-looking one in there, i'd like to avoid taking him back to the lfs. any tips?

ok, this is weird. about half an hour after i posted this, "Brute" stopped bothering everybody, and is now starting to shoal with the others :blink: . So, problem solved i guess. :good:
i think he just wanted to show everyone else he was the most dominant. "pecking order" if you will. now thats fallen into place, everything should be fine.
what other fish have you decided on?
i think he just wanted to show everyone else he was the most dominant. "pecking order" if you will. now thats fallen into place, everything should be fine.
what other fish have you decided on?
I've decided to get either a bristlenose or rubbernose plec (depending on what's at my lfs), a ruby shark, a three-spot gourami (will be last fish to allow tigers to get used to other tankmates), some sort of loach or cory cats (haven't decided yet) and either mixed danios or swordtails. Do you think female bettas (3) would be ok?
The male barb was doing that in my tank until I added in some sword tail fish and mollys. He just doesn't run after the other tiger barbs any longer!! I'm not sure why but that seemed to work!
Well there are a few fishes that a Tiger Barb can be in the same tank with. I will list a few. Cory Cats, Gouramis, mollies, loaches, rasboras, tetras, angelfish. Well those are some fishes that can be with tiger barbs.

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