Tiger Barb Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
NSW - Sydney Australia
Hello...I currently have 6 tiger barbs, 1 male pearl gourami and an angelfish...Their all doing fine despite the fact that tiger barbs are regarded as very active nippy type fish...Anyways...im planning 2 upgrade my tank to a large 4 foot 300+ liter (equivalent to 75+ gallon) tank...My angelfish is still currently a juvenile at 2inches and is doing fine with its tigerbarb inhabitants.... After the new 4 foot tank setup is cycled, i am thinking of transferring my pearl gourami, tiger barbs and angelfish into the new setup...My question is, how many more tigerbarbs can fit into the new setup before the tank becomes overcrowded... Other suggestions are welcome on any other suitable tankmates for my tigerbarbs, gourami and angelfish group for my new setup...
PS. i heard tigerbarbs, if kept in large groups will leave other tank mates alone so i beleive my angelfish will do fine with a bunch of them...Thankyou:)
In groups, TB's do tend to keep their chasing to each other, but they will nip a trailing fin. I am suprised you've not had any trouble with that.

As to how many TB's in the new set up, well, quite a lot, (another 15-20 or more would be easily accomodated), but it depends if you are planning to add anything else.

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